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ICS1893BYI-10LF 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: ICS1893BYI-10LF
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内容描述: 3.3 -V的10Base -T / 100BASE - TX集成PHYceiver [3.3-V 10Base-T/100Base-TX Integrated PHYceiver]
文件页数/大小: 143 页 / 1665 K
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ICS1893BY-10 Data Sheet - Release  
Chapter 5 Interface Overviews  
5.1 MII Data Interface  
The most common configuration for an ICS1893BY-10’s MAC/Repeater Interface is the Medium  
Independent Interface (MII) operating at either 10 Mbps or 100 Mbps. When the ICS1893BY-10  
MAC/Repeater Interface is configured for the MII Data Interface mode, data is transferred between the  
PHY and the MAC/repeater as framed, 4-bit parallel nibbles. In addition, the interface also provides status  
and control signals to synchronize the transfers.  
The ICS1893BY-10 provides a full complement of the ISO/IEC-specified MII signals. Its MII has both a  
transmit and a receive data path to synchronously exchange 4 bits of data (that is, nibbles).  
The ICS1893BY-10’s MII transmit data path includes the following:  
– A data nibble, TXD[3:0]  
– A transmit data clock to synchronize transfers, TXCLK  
– A transmit enable signal, TXEN  
– A transmit error signal, TXER  
The ICS1893BY-10’s MII receive data path includes the following:  
– A separate data nibble, RXD[3:0]  
– A receive data clock to synchronize transfers, RXCLK  
– A receive data valid signal, RXDV  
– A receive error signal, RXER  
Both the MII transmit clock and the MII receive clock are provided to the MAC/Reconciliation sublayer by  
the ICS1893BY-10 (that is, the ICS1893BY-10 sources the TXCLK and RXCLK signals to the  
Clause 22 also defines as part of the MII a Carrier Sense signal (CRS) and a Collision Detect signal (COL).  
The ICS1893BY-10 is fully compliant with these definitions and sources both of these signals to the  
MAC/repeater. When operating in:  
Half-duplex mode, the ICS1893BY-10 asserts the Carrier Sense signal when data is being either  
transmitted or received. While operating in half-duplex mode, the ICS1893BY-10 also asserts its  
Collision Detect signal to indicate that data is being received while a transmission is in progress.  
Full-duplex mode, the ICS1893BY-10 asserts the Carrier Sense signal only when receiving data and  
forces the Collision Detect signal to remain inactive.  
As mentioned in Section, “Hot Insertion”, the ICS1893BY-10 design allows hot insertion of its MII.  
That is, it is possible to connect its MII to a MAC when power is already applied to the MAC. To support this  
functionality, the ICS1893BY-10 isolates its MII signals and tri-states the signals on all Twisted-Pair  
Transmit pins (TP_TXP and TP_TXN) during a power-on reset. Upon completion of the reset process, the  
ICS1893BY-10 enables its MII and enables its Twisted-Pair Transmit signals.  
ICS1893BY-10 Rev A 3/24/04  
March, 2004  
Copyright © 2004, Integrated Circuit Systems, Inc.  
All rights reserved.  