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IC-MFL 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: IC-MFL
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内容描述: 8 / 12倍的异常安全逻辑N沟道场效应管驱动器 [8-/12-FOLD FAIL-SAFE LOGIC N-FET DRIVER]
分类和应用: 驱动器
文件页数/大小: 13 页 / 170 K
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iC-MFL / iC-MFLT  
Rev C1, Page 2/13  
iC-MFL / iC-MFLT is a monolithically integrated, Should the supply voltage at VCC undershoot a pre-  
8/12-channel level adjustment device which drives defined threshold, the voltage monitor causes the  
N-channel FETs. The internal circuit blocks have outputs to be actively tied to GND via the lowside  
been designed in such a way that with single er- transistors. If the supply voltage ceases to be applied  
rors, such as open pins (VCC, GND, GNDR) or to VCC, the outputs are tied to GNDR by pull-down  
the short-circuiting of two outputs, iC-MFLs output resistors.  
stages switch to a predefined, safe low state. Exter-  
nally connected N-channel FET are thus shut down If the connection between the ground potential and  
safely in the event of a single error.  
the GND pin is disrupted, the highside and lowside  
transistors of the output stages are shut down and  
The inputs of the eight/twelve channels consist of the outputs tied to GNDR via the pull-down resistors.  
a Schmitt trigger with a pull-down current source If on the other hand the connection between ground  
and are compatible with TTL and CMOS levels (1.8 potential and the GNDR pin is disrupted, only the  
to 5 V). The eight/twelve channels have a current- output stage highside transistors are shut down; the  
limited push-pull output stage and a pull-down resis- outputs are then actively tied to GND via the lowside  
tor at the output. The output stages supply an output transistors.  
signal of 5 V and are enabled by a high signal at pin  
EN. Furthermore, all stages can handle surge volt- Open inputs IN1...8/12 and EN are actively tied to  
age pulses (max. 18 V, pulse width < 100 ms, max. GND by pull-down currents. The pull-down currents  
2 % duty cycle) at the output.  
have two stages in order to limit power dissipation  
with enhanced noise immunity.  
iC-MFL monitors the supply voltage at VCC pin and  
the voltages at the two ground pins GND and GNDR. When two outputs of different logic states are short  
The pins GND and GNDR must be connected to- circuited, the driving capability of the lowside driver  
gether externally in order to guarantee the safe low predominates, keeping the connected N-channel  
state of the output stages in the event of error.  
FETs in a safe shutdown state.  
The device is protected against destruction by ESD.  