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54642D 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: 54642D
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内容描述: 54600系列示波器 [54600-Series Oscilloscopes]
文件页数/大小: 24 页 / 1557 K
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Affordable and Responsive
MegaZoom deep memory
With 4 MB to 8 MB of MegaZoom
deep memory, 54600-Series
scopes give you deep-memory
capture without the sluggish
response and complex operation
you’ve had to tolerate with other
deep-memory scopes. And unlike
the alternatives, MegaZoom deep
memory is not a special mode.
That means it’s always available
to help you find details buried
in complex signals, discover
anomalies, correlate high-speed
digital control signals with slower
analog signals and capture
infrequent events.
The dilemma of having to trigger
twice to get a long time capture
or to see detailed resolution is
solved with MegaZoom deep
memory as you can have both
with a single measurement. Deep
memory means that the sample
rate stays high even when captur-
ing long time periods.
The 54600-Series scopes are the
only deep-memory scopes that
respond instantly to your control
inputs with a fast, responsive
display. Compare them to other
scopes in this price range – only
the 54600-Series provides deep
memory at an affordable price.
Figure 3. The bright dot on the high-definition display is a distortion in 1 of the 1,500
pulses captured in this single-shot measurement. Simply dial in for a closer look using
MegaZoom pan and zoom, and you’ll see the details that would have escaped other
scopes, such as the distortion in this square wave. This deep memory and display system
is not a special mode; it is available on every measurement pass at full speed.