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HT48R066B 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: HT48R066B
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内容描述: 增强I / O型8位OTP MCU [Enhanced I/O Type 8-Bit OTP MCU]
文件页数/大小: 84 页 / 469 K
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Instruction Set  
subtract instruction mnemonics to enable the necessary  
arithmetic to be carried out. Care must be taken to en-  
sure correct handling of carry and borrow data when re-  
sults exceed 255 for addition and less than 0 for  
subtraction. The increment and decrement instructions  
INC, INCA, DEC and DECA provide a simple means of  
increasing or decreasing by a value of one of the values  
in the destination specified.  
Central to the successful operation of any  
microcontroller is its instruction set, which is a set of pro-  
gram instruction codes that directs the microcontroller to  
perform certain operations. In the case of Holtek  
microcontrollers, a comprehensive and flexible set of  
over 60 instructions is provided to enable programmers  
to implement their application with the minimum of pro-  
gramming overheads.  
Logical and Rotate Operations  
For easier understanding of the various instruction  
codes, they have been subdivided into several func-  
tional groupings.  
The standard logical operations such as AND, OR, XOR  
and CPL all have their own instruction within the Holtek  
microcontroller instruction set. As with the case of most  
instructions involving data manipulation, data must pass  
through the Accumulator which may involve additional  
programming steps. In all logical data operations, the  
zero flag may be set if the result of the operation is zero.  
Another form of logical data manipulation comes from  
the rotate instructions such as RR, RL, RRC and RLC  
which provide a simple means of rotating one bit right or  
left. Different rotate instructions exist depending on pro-  
gram requirements. Rotate instructions are useful for  
serial port programming applications where data can be  
rotated from an internal register into the Carry bit from  
where it can be examined and the necessary serial bit  
set high or low. Another application where rotate data  
operations are used is to implement multiplication and  
division calculations.  
Instruction Timing  
Most instructions are implemented within one instruc-  
tion cycle. The exceptions to this are branch, call, or ta-  
ble read instructions where two instruction cycles are  
required. One instruction cycle is equal to 4 system  
clock cycles, therefore in the case of an 8MHz system  
oscillator, most instructions would be implemented  
within 0.5ms and branch or call instructions would be im-  
plemented within 1ms. Although instructions which re-  
quire one more cycle to implement are generally limited  
to the JMP, CALL, RET, RETI and table read instruc-  
tions, it is important to realize that any other instructions  
which involve manipulation of the Program Counter Low  
register or PCL will also take one more cycle to imple-  
ment. As instructions which change the contents of the  
PCL will imply a direct jump to that new address, one  
more cycle will be required. Examples of such instruc-  
tions would be ²CLR PCL² or ²MOV PCL, A². For the  
case of skip instructions, it must be noted that if the re-  
sult of the comparison involves a skip operation then  
this will also take one more cycle, if no skip is involved  
then only one cycle is required.  
Branches and Control Transfer  
Program branching takes the form of either jumps to  
specified locations using the JMP instruction or to a sub-  
routine using the CALL instruction. They differ in the  
sense that in the case of a subroutine call, the program  
must return to the instruction immediately when the sub-  
routine has been carried out. This is done by placing a  
return instruction RET in the subroutine which will cause  
the program to jump back to the address right after the  
CALL instruction. In the case of a JMP instruction, the  
program simply jumps to the desired location. There is  
no requirement to jump back to the original jumping off  
point as in the case of the CALL instruction. One special  
and extremely useful set of branch instructions are the  
conditional branches. Here a decision is first made re-  
garding the condition of a certain data memory or indi-  
vidual bits. Depending upon the conditions, the program  
will continue with the next instruction or skip over it and  
jump to the following instruction. These instructions are  
the key to decision making and branching within the pro-  
gram perhaps determined by the condition of certain in-  
put switches or by the condition of internal data bits.  
Moving and Transferring Data  
The transfer of data within the microcontroller program  
is one of the most frequently used operations. Making  
use of three kinds of MOV instructions, data can be  
transferred from registers to the Accumulator and  
vice-versa as well as being able to move specific imme-  
diate data directly into the Accumulator. One of the most  
important data transfer applications is to receive data  
from the input ports and transfer data to the output ports.  
Arithmetic Operations  
The ability to perform certain arithmetic operations and  
data manipulation is a necessary feature of most  
microcontroller applications. Within the Holtek  
microcontroller instruction set are a range of add and  
Rev. 1.00  
April 7, 2011  