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HT48R066B 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: HT48R066B
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内容描述: 增强I / O型8位OTP MCU [Enhanced I/O Type 8-Bit OTP MCU]
文件页数/大小: 84 页 / 469 K
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Timer/Event Counters  
The provision of timers form an important part of any  
microcontroller, giving the designer a means of carrying  
out time related functions. The devices contain from one  
to three count-up timer of 8-bit capacity. As the timers  
have three different operating modes, they can be con-  
figured to operate as a general timer, an external event  
counter or as a pulse width capture device. The provi-  
sion of an internal prescaler to the clock circuitry on  
gives added range to the timers.  
value loaded by the preload register to the full count of  
FFH at which point the timer overflows and an internal  
interrupt signal is generated. The timer value will then  
be reset with the initial preload register value and con-  
tinue counting.  
Note that to achieve a maximum full range count of FFH,  
the preload register must first be cleared to all zeros. It  
should be noted that after power-on, the preload regis-  
ters will be in an unknown condition. Note that if the  
Timer/Event Counter is in an OFF condition and data is  
written to its preload register, this data will be immedi-  
ately written into the actual counter. However, if the  
counter is enabled and counting, any new data written  
into the preload data register during this period will re-  
main in the preload register and will only be written into  
the actual counter the next time an overflow occurs.  
There are two types of registers related to the  
Timer/Event Counters. The first is the register that con-  
tains the actual value of the timer and into which an ini-  
tial value can be preloaded. Reading from this register  
retrieves the contents of the Timer/Event Counter. The  
second type of associated register is the Timer Control  
Register which defines the timer options and deter-  
mines how the timer is to be used. The device can have  
the timer clock configured to come from the internal  
clock source. In addition, the timer clock source can also  
be configured to come from an external timer pin.  
Timer Control Registers - TMR0C, TMR1C  
The flexible features of the Holtek microcontroller  
Timer/Event Counters enable them to operate in three  
different modes, the options of which are determined by  
the contents of their respective control register.  
Configuring the Timer/Event Counter Input Clock  
The Timer Control Register is known as TMRnC. It is the  
Timer Control Register together with its corresponding  
timer register that control the full operation of the  
Timer/Event Counter. Before the timer can be used, it is  
essential that the Timer Control Register is fully pro-  
grammed with the right data to ensure its correct opera-  
tion, a process that is normally carried out during  
program initialisation.  
The Timer/Event Counter clock source can originate  
from various sources, an internal clock or an external  
pin. The internal clock source source is used when the  
timer is in the timer mode or in the pulse width capture  
mode. For some Timer/Event Counters, this internal  
clock source is first divided by a prescaler, the division  
ratio of which is conditioned by the Timer Control Regis-  
ter bits T0PSC0~T0PSC2. For Timer/Event Counter 0,  
the internal clock source can be either fSYS or the LXT  
Oscillator, the choice of which is determined by the T0S  
bit in the TMR0C register.  
To choose which of the three modes the timer is to oper-  
ate in, either in the timer mode, the event counting mode  
or the pulse width capture mode, bits 7 and 6 of the  
Timer Control Register, which are known as the bit pair  
TnM1/TnM0, must be set to the required logic levels.  
The timer-on bit, which is bit 4 of the Timer Control Reg-  
ister and known as TnON, provides the basic on/off con-  
trol of the respective timer. Setting the bit high allows the  
counter to run, clearing the bit stops the counter. Bits  
0~2 of the Timer Control Register determine the division  
ratio of the input clock prescaler. The prescaler bit set-  
tings have no effect if an external clock source is used. If  
the timer is in the event count or pulse width capture  
mode, the active transition edge level type is selected by  
the logic level of bit 3 of the Timer Control Register  
which is known as TnEG. The TnS bit selects the inter-  
nal clock source if used.  
An external clock source is used when the timer is in the  
event counting mode, the clock source being provided  
on an external timer pin TCn. Depending upon the con-  
dition of the TnEG bit, each high to low, or low to high  
transition on the external timer pin will increment the  
counter by one.  
Timer Registers - TMR0, TMR1  
The timer registers are special function registers located  
in the Special Purpose Data Memory and is the place  
where the actual timer value is stored. These registers  
are known as TMR0 and TMR1. The value in the timer  
registers increases by one each time an internal clock  
pulse is received or an external transition occurs on the  
external timer pin. The timer will count from the initial  
Rev. 1.00  
April 7, 2011  