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HT46R065D 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: HT46R065D
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内容描述: 增强A / D型MCU,具有高电流LED驱动器 [Enhanced A/D Type MCU with High Current LED Driver]
分类和应用: 驱动器
文件页数/大小: 114 页 / 744 K
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Enhanced A/D Type 8-Bit OTP MCU with LED Driver  
Special Purpose Data Memory  
This area of Data Memory is where registers, necessary for the correct operation of the  
microcontroller, are stored. Most of the registers are both readable and writeable but some are  
protected and are readable only, the details of which are located under the relevant Special Function  
Register section. Note that for locations that are unused, any read instruction to these addresses will  
return the value ²00H².  
Special Function Registers  
To ensure successful operation of the microcontroller, certain internal registers are implemented in the  
Data Memory area. These registers ensure correct operation of internal functions such as timers,  
interrupts, etc., as well as external functions such as I/O data control. The location of these registers  
within the Data Memory begins at the address ²00H² and are mapped into both Bank 0 and Bank 1.  
Any unused Data Memory locations between these special function registers and the point where the  
General Purpose Memory begins is reserved and attempting to read data from these locations will  
return a value of ²00H².  
Indirect Addressing Registers - IAR0, IAR1  
The Indirect Addressing Registers, IAR0 and IAR1, although having their locations in normal RAM  
register space, do not actually physically exist as normal registers. The method of indirect addressing  
for RAM data manipulation uses these Indirect Addressing Registers and Memory Pointers, in  
contrast to direct memory addressing, where the actual memory address is specified. Actions on the  
IAR0 and IAR1 registers will result in no actual read or write operation to these registers but rather to  
the memory location specified by their corresponding Memory Pointer, MP0 or MP1. Acting as a pair,  
IAR0 with MP0 and IAR1 with MP1 can together access data from the Data Memory. As the Indirect  
Addressing Registers are not physically implemented, reading the Indirect Addressing Registers  
indirectly will return a result of ²00H² and writing to the registers indirectly will result in no operation.  
Memory Pointers - MP0, MP1  
Two Memory Pointers, known as MP0 and MP1 are provided. These Memory Pointers are physically  
implemented in the Data Memory and can be manipulated in the same way as normal registers  
providing a convenient way with which to indirectly address and track data. MP0 can only be used to  
indirectly address data in Bank 0 while MP1 can be used to address data in Bank 0 and Bank1. When  
any operation to the relevant Indirect Addressing Registers is carried out, the actual address that the  
microcontroller is directed to, is the address specified by the related Memory Pointer. Note that for the  
HT46R064D device, bit 7 of the Memory Pointers is not required to address the full memory space.  
When bit 7 of the Memory Pointers for these devices is read, a value of ²1² will be returned. Note that  
indirect addressing using MP1 and IAR1 must be used to access any data in Bank 1. The following  
example shows how to clear a section of four Data Memory locations already defined as locations adres1  
to adres4.  
Rev. 1.00  
January 12, 2011  