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HSP3824VI 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: HSP3824VI
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内容描述: 直接序列扩频基带处理器 [Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum Baseband Processor]
分类和应用: 电信集成电路
文件页数/大小: 41 页 / 278 K
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The suggested method of optimization is to set the transmit- Secondly, when the bits are processed by the descrambler,  
ter in a continuous transmit mode. Then, measure the time these errors are further extended. The descrambler is a 7-bit  
until the receiver drops lock at low signal to noise ratio. Each shift register with one or more taps exclusive ored with the  
of the 2 thresholds should be set individually to the same bit stream. If for example the scrambler polynomial uses 2  
drop lock time. While setting thresholds for one of the signal taps that are summed with the data, then each error is  
qualities the other should be configured at its limit so it does extended by a factor of three. Since the DPSK errors are  
not influence the drop lock decisions. Set CR 26 to 00h while close together, however, some of them can be canceled in  
determining the value of CR 34 and 35 for phase error the descrambler. In this case, two wrongs do make a right,  
threshold. Set CR 34 to FFh while determining the value of so the observed errors can be in groups of 4 instead of 6.  
CR 26 and 27 for bit sync. amplitude threshold.  
Descrambling is done by a polynomial division using a pre-  
Assuming a 10e-6 BER operating point, it is suggested that scribed polynomial. A shift register holds the last quotient and  
the drop lock thresholds are set at 10e-3 BER, with each the output is the exclusive-or of the data and the sum of taps in  
threshold adjusted individually.  
the shift register. The taps and seed are programmable. The  
transmit scrambler seed is programmed by CR 15 and the taps  
are set with CR 16. One reason for setting the seed is that it  
can be used to make the SFD scrambling the same every  
packet so that it can be recognized in its scrambled state.  
Note that the bit sync amplitude is linearly proportional to the  
signal amplitude at the ADC converters. If an AGC system is  
being used instead of a limiter, the bit sync amplitude thresh-  
old should be set at or below the minimum amplitude that the  
radio will see at its sensitivity level.  
Demodulator Performance  
Data Decoder and Descrambler  
This section indicates the theoretical performance and typi-  
cal performance measures for a radio design. The perfor-  
mance data below should be used as a guide. The actual  
performance depends on the application, interference envi-  
ronment, RF/IF implementation and radio component selec-  
tion in general.  
The data decoder that implements the desired DQPSK cod-  
ing/decoding as shown in DQPSK Data Decoder Table 9.  
This coding scheme results from differential coding of the  
dibits. When used in the DBPSK modes, only the 00 and 11  
dibits are used. Vector rotation is counterclockwise.  
Overall Eb/N0 Versus BER Performance  
The PRISM chip set has been designed to be robust and  
energy efficient in packet mode communications. The  
demodulator uses coherent processing for data demodula-  
tion. Figure 18 below shows the performance of the base-  
band processor when used in conjunction with the HSP3724  
IF limiter and the PRISM recommended IF filters. Off the  
shelf test equipment are used for the RF processing. The  
curves should be used as a guide to assess performance in  
a complete implementation.  
The data scrambler and de-scrambler are self synchronizing  
circuits. They consist of a 7-bit shift register with feedback of  
some of the taps of the register. The scrambler can be dis-  
abled for measuring RF carrier suppression. The scrambler  
is designed to insure smearing of the discrete spectrum lines  
produced by the PN code.  
Factors for carrier phase noise, multipath, and other degra-  
dations will need to be considered on an implementation by  
implementation basis in order to predict the overall perfor-  
mance of each individual system.  
Figure 18 shows the curve for theoretical DBPSK/DQPSK  
demodulation with coherent demodulation as well as the  
PRISM performance measured for DBPSK and DQPSK. The  
losses include RF and IF radio losses; they do not reflect the  
HSP3824 losses alone. These are more realistic measure-  
ments. The HSP3824 baseband losses from theoretical by  
themselves are a small percentage of the overall loss.  
One thing to keep in mind is that both the differential decod-  
ing and the descrambling when used cause error extension.  
This causes the errors to occur in groups of 4 and 6. This is  
due to two properties of the processing. First, the differential  
decoding process causes errors to occur in pairs. When a  
symbol error is made, it is usually a single bit error even in  
QPSK mode. When a symbol is in error, the next symbol will  
also be decoded wrong since the data is encoded in the  
change from one symbol to the next. Thus, two errors are  
made on two successive symbols. In QPSK mode, these  
may be next to one another or separated by up to 2 bits.  
The PRISM demodulator performs at less than 3dB from the-  
oretical in a AWGN environment with low phase noise local  
oscillators. The observed errors occurred in groups of 4 and 6  
errors and rarely singly. This is because of the error extension  
properties of differential decoding and descrambling.  