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5962-9054301MXA 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: 5962-9054301MXA
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内容描述: CMOS高性能可编程DMA控制器 [CMOS High Performance Programmable DMA Controller]
分类和应用: 外围集成电路控制器时钟
文件页数/大小: 23 页 / 207 K
 浏览型号5962-9054301MXA的Datasheet PDF文件第3页浏览型号5962-9054301MXA的Datasheet PDF文件第4页浏览型号5962-9054301MXA的Datasheet PDF文件第5页浏览型号5962-9054301MXA的Datasheet PDF文件第6页浏览型号5962-9054301MXA的Datasheet PDF文件第8页浏览型号5962-9054301MXA的Datasheet PDF文件第9页浏览型号5962-9054301MXA的Datasheet PDF文件第10页浏览型号5962-9054301MXA的Datasheet PDF文件第11页  
the initial 82C37A.This allows the DMA requests of the Autoinitialize - By setting bit 4 in the Mode register, a  
additional device to propagate through the priority network channel may be set up as an Autoinitialize channel. During  
circuitry of the preceding device. The priority chain is Autoinitialization, the original values of the Current Address  
preserved and the new device must wait for its turn to and Current Word Count registers are automatically restored  
acknowledge requests. Since the cascade channel of the from the Base Address and Base Word Count registers of  
initial 82C37A is used only for prioritizing the additional the channel following EOP. The base registers are loaded  
device, it does not output an address or control signals of its simultaneously with the current registers by the micropro-  
own. These could conflict with the outputs of the active chan- cessor and remain unchanged throughout the DMA service.  
nel in the added device. The initial 82C37A will respond to The mask bit is not set when the channel is in Autoinitialize  
DREQ and generate DACK but all other outputs except HRQ mode. Following Autoinitialization, the channel is ready to  
will be disabled. An external EOP will be ignored by the initial perform another DMA service, without CPU intervention, as  
device, but will have the usual effect on the added device.  
soon as a valid DREQ is detected, or software request  
Figure 3 shows two additional devices cascaded with an  
initial device using two of the initial device’s channels. This Memory-to-Memory - To perform block moves of data from  
forms a two-level DMA system. More 82C37As could be one memory address space to another with minimum of  
added at the second level by using the remaining channels program effort and time, the 82C37A includes a memory-to-  
of the first level. Additional devices can also be added by memory transfer feature. Setting bit 0 in the Command  
cascading into the channels of the second level devices, register selects channels 0 and 1 to operate as memory-to-  
forming a third level.  
memory transfer channels.  
The transfer is initiated by setting the software or hardware  
DREQ for channel 0. The 82C37A requests a DMA service  
in the normal manner. After HLDA is true, the device, using  
four-state transfers in Block Transfer mode, reads data from  
the memory. The channel 0 Current Address register is the  
source for the address used and is decremented or  
incremented in the normal manner. The data byte read from  
the memory is stored in the 82C37A internal Temporary reg-  
ister. Another four-state transfer moves the data to memory  
using the address in channel one’s Current Address register  
and incrementing or decrementing it in the normal manner.  
The channel 1 Current Word Count is decremented.  
When the word count of channel 1 decrements to FFFFH, a  
TC is generated causing an EOP output, terminating the  
service, and setting the channel 1 TC bit in the Status  
register. The channel 1 mask bit will also be set, unless the  
channel 1 mode register is programmed for autoinitialization.  
Channel 0 word count decrementing to FFFFH will not set  
the channel 0 TC bit in the status register nor generate an  
EOP, nor set the channel 0 mask bit in this mode. It will  
cause an autoinitialization of channel 0, if that option has  
been selected.  
When programming cascaded controllers, start with the first  
level device (closest to the microprocessor). After RESET,  
the DACK outputs are programmed to be active low and are  
held in the high state. If they are used to drive HLDA directly,  
the second level device(s) cannot be programmed until  
DACK polarity is selected as active high on the initial device.  
Also, the initial device’s mask bits function normally on  
cascaded channels, so they may be used to inhibit second-  
level services.  
If full Autoinitialization for a memory-to-memory operation is  
desired, the channel 0 and channel 1 word counts must be  
set to equal values before the transfer begins. Otherwise, if  
channel 0 underflows before channel 1, it will autoinitialize  
and set the data source address back to the beginning of the  
block. If the channel 1 word count underflows before channel  
0, the memory-to-memory DMA service will terminate, and  
channel 1 will autoinitialize but channel 0 will not.  
Transfer Types  
Each of the three active transfer modes can perform three dif-  
ferent types of transfers. These are Read, Write and Verify.  
Write transfers move data from an I/O device to the memory  
by activating MEMW and IOR. Read transfers move data from  
memory to an I/O device by activating MEMR and IOW.  
In memory-to-memory mode, Channel  
may be  
programmed to retain the same address for all transfers.  
This allows a single byte to be written to a block of memory.  
This channel 0 address hold feature is selected by setting bit  
1 in the Command register.  
Verify transfers are pseudo-transfers. The 82C37A operates  
as in Read or Write transfers generating addresses and  
responding to EOP, etc., however the memory and I/O  
control lines all remain inactive. Verify mode is not permitted  
for memory-to-memory operation. READY is ignored during  
Verify transfers.  
The 82C37A will respond to external EOP signals during  
memory-to-memory transfers, but will only relinquish the  
system busses after the transfer is complete (i.e. after an  