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IOBUS4 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: IOBUS4
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内容描述: [Vinculum-II Embedded Dual USB Host Controller IC]
文件页数/大小: 88 页 / 2234 K
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Vinculum-II Embedded Dual USB Host Controller IC  
Version 1.7  
Document No.: FT_000138 Clearance No.: FTDI#143  
6 Peripheral Interfaces  
In addition to the two USB Host and Slave blocks, VNC2 contains the following peripheral interfaces:  
Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (UART)  
Two Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) slaves  
SPI Master  
Debugger Interface  
Parallel FIFO Interface (245 mode and synchronous FIFO mode)  
General Purpose Timers  
Eight Pulse Width Modulation blocks (PWM)  
General Purpose Input Output (GPIO)  
The following sections describe each peripheral in detail.  
6.1 UART Interface  
When the data and control bus are configured in UART mode, the interface implements a standard  
asynchronous serial UART port with flow control, for example RS232/422/485. The UART can support  
baud rates from 183 baud to 6 Mbaud. The maximum UART speed is determined by the CPU speed/8.The  
CPU can be run at three frequencies, therefore the following maximumrates apply:  
CPU Frequency  
48 MHz  
Maximum UART Speed  
6 Mbaud  
24 MHz  
3 Mbaud  
12 MHz  
1.5 Mbaud  
Data transfer uses NRZ (Non-Return to Zero) data format consisting of 1 start bit, 7 or 8 data bits, an  
optional parity bit, and one or two stop bits. When transmitting the data bits, the least significant bit is  
transmitted first. Transmit and receive waveforms are illustrated in Figure 6.1 and Figure 6.2:  
Figure 6.1 UART Receive Waveform  
Figure 6.2 UART Transmit Waveform  
Baud rate (default =9600 baud), flow control settings (default = RTS/CTS), number of data bits  
(default=8), parity (default is no parity) and number of stop bits (default=1) are all configurable using  
the firmware command interface. Please refer to http://www.ftdichip.com.  
uart_tx_active is transmit enable, this output may be used in RS485 designs to control the transmit of  
the line driver.  
Copyright © Future Technology Devices International Limited  