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FT4232H-56Q 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: FT4232H-56Q
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内容描述: [Quad High Speed USB to Multipurpose UART/MPSSE IC]
文件页数/大小: 55 页 / 1663 K
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Version 2.4  
Document No.: FT_000060 Clearance No.: FTDI#78  
4.5 Synchronous & Asynchronous Bit-Bang Interface Mode Desc.  
The FT4232H channel A, B, C or channel D can be configured as a bit-bang interface. There are two types  
of bit-bang modes: synchronous and asynchronous.  
Asynchronous Bit-Bang Mode  
Asynchronous Bit-Bang mode is the same as BM-style Bit-Bang mode. On any channel configured in  
asynchronous bit-bang mode, data written to the device in the normal manner will be self-clocked onto the  
parallel I/O data pins (those which have been configured as outputs). Each I/O pin can be independently  
set as an input or an output. The rate that the data is clocked out at is controlled by the baud rate  
For the data to change there has to be new data written, and the baud rate clock has to tick. If no new  
data is written to the channel, the pins will hold the last value written.  
Synchronous Bit-Bang Mode  
The synchronous Bit-Bang mode will only update the output parallel I/O port pins whenever data is sent  
from the USB interface to the parallel interface. When this is done, data is read from the USB Rx FIFO  
buffer and written out on the pins. Data can only be received from the parallel pins (to the USB Tx FIFO  
interface) when the parallel interface has been written to.  
With Synchronous Bit-Bang mode, data will only be sent out by the FT4232H if there is space in the  
FT4232H USB TXFIFO for data to be read from the parallel interface pins. This Synchronous Bit-Bang mode  
will read the data bus parallel I/O pins first, before it transmits data from the USB RxFIFO. It is therefore 1  
byte behind the output, and so to read the inputs for the byte that you have just sent, another byte must  
be sent.  
For example:-  
(1) Pins start at 0xFF  
Send 0x55,0xAA  
Pins go to 0x55 and then to 0xAA  
Data read = 0xFF,0x55  
(2) Pins start at 0xFF  
Send 0x55,0xAA,0xAA  
(repeat the last byte sent)  
Pins go to 0x55 and then to 0xAA  
Data read = 0xFF,0x55,0xAA  
Synchronous Bit-Bang Mode differs from Asynchronous Bit-Bang mode in that the device parallel output is  
only read when the parallel output is written to by the USB interface. This makes it easier for the  
controlling program to measure the response to a USB output stimulus as the data returned to the USB  
interface is synchronous to the output data.  
Asynchronous Bit-Bang mode is enabled using Set Bit Bang Mode driver command. A hex value of 1 will  
enable Asynchronous Bit-Bang mode.  
Synchronous Bit-Bang mode is enabled using Set Bit Bang Mode driver command. A hex value of 4 will  
enable Synchronous Bit-Bang mode.  
See application note AN2232-02, “Bit Mode Functions for the FT2232for more details and examples of  
using the bit-bang modes.  
Copyright © Future Technology Devices International Limited  