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PBL38611/2SHS 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: PBL38611/2SHS
PDF下载: 下载PDF文件 查看货源
内容描述: [SLIC, 2-4 Conversion, Bipolar, PDSO28, SSOP-28]
分类和应用: 电池电信光电二极管电信集成电路
文件页数/大小: 18 页 / 143 K
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PBL 386 11/2  
Ground Key Detector  
lead of the two-wire port. The dc voltage  
across sense resistor RRT is monitored by  
the ring trip comparator input DT and DR  
via the filter network R1, R2, R3, R4, C1 and  
C2. DT is more positive than DR, with the  
line on-hook (no dc current). The DET  
output will report logic level high, i.e. the  
detector is not tripped. When the line goes  
through the loop including sense resistor  
Relay driver  
ThePBL38611/2 SLICincorporatesaring  
relay driver designed as open collector  
(npn) with a current sinking capability of 50  
mA.The emitter of the drive transistor is  
connected to BGND. The relay driver has  
external clamp is needed.  
The ground key detector indicates when  
the ground key is pressed (active) by put-  
ting the output pin DET to a logic high level  
when selected. The ground key detector  
and RINGX currents. The detector is trig-  
gered when the difference exceeds the  
current threshold.  
RT and will cause the input DT to become  
Control Inputs  
Ring Trip Detector  
more negative than input DR. This chang-  
es the output on the DET pin to logic level  
low, i.e. tripped detector condition. The  
system controller (or line card processor)  
responds by de-energizing the ring relay  
via the SLIC, i.e. ring trip.  
nent at terminals DT and DR is not neces-  
sary. A toggling DET output can be exam-  
ined by a software routine to determine the  
duty cycle. Off-hook condition is indicated  
more than half the time.  
The PBL 386 11/2 SLIC has three digital  
control inputs, C1, C2 and C3.  
A decoder in the SLIC interprets the con-  
trol input condition and sets up the com-  
manded operating state.  
Ring trip detection is accomplished by con-  
necting an external network to a compara-  
tor in the SLIC with inputs DT and DR. The  
ringing source can be balanced or unbal-  
anced e g superimposed on the battery  
voltage or ground. The unbalanced ringing  
source may be applied to either the ring  
lead or the tip lead with return via the other  
wire. A ring relay driven by the SLIC ring  
relay driver connects the ringing source to  
tip and ring.  
The ring trip function is based on a polar-  
ity change at the comparator input when  
the line goes off-hook. In the on-hook state  
no dc current flows through the loop and  
the voltage at comparator input DT is more  
positivethanthevoltageatinputDR. When  
the line goes off-hook, while the ring relay  
is energized, dc current flows and the com-  
parator input voltage reverses polarity.  
Figure 13 gives an example of a ring trip  
detection network. This network is applica-  
ble, when the ring voltage superimposed  
C1 to C3 are internal pull-up inputs.  
Open Circuit State  
In the Open Circuit State the TIPX and  
es the SLIC to present a high impedance to  
the line. Power dissipation is at a minimum  
and no detectors are active.  
Detector Output (DET)  
The PBL 386 11/2 SLIC incorporates a  
detector output driver designed as open  
collector (npn) with a current sinking capa-  
bility of min 3 mA, and a 10 kpull-up  
resistor. The emitter of the drive transistor  
is connected to AGND. A LED can be  
connected in series with a resistor (1 k)  
at the DET output to visualize, for example  
loop status.  
Ringing State  
In the ringing state the SLIC will behave  
as in the active state with the exception  
that the ring relay driver and the ring trip  
detector are activated. The ring trip detec-  
tor will indicate off hook with a logic low  
level at the detector output.  