The same principle applies to the counter and signal of OUTH.
The parameter INC defines the delay nV in number of clock cycles from the start of a pulse chain to the negative edge of OUTN.
The parameter DEC defines the delay nM from the end of a pulse chain to the positive edge of OUTN.
No. of
Pulses nM
No. of
missing Pulses nV
Long range
High speed
Table 2: Example: Settings based of filter coefficients INC and DEC
Light Pulse Detection Output OUTN
The epc110 contains two digital outputs to indicate that a valid signal of light pulses are received by the photo diode. The first output OUTN is
triggered, when the lower threshold is reached by the input signal (see Figure 5). This output is used usually to drive the output of the light
barrier. This is a fully CMOS compatible digital output.
Light Reserve Output OUTH
However, if the incoming signal is just at the trigger threshold of OUTN, an unstable situation can occur. Thus, a second output OUTH is
integrated with a higher trigger threshold to indicate that a certain 'light reserve' is reached (see Figure 5). This output is usually used to drive
a visible LED to indicate to the operator a stable detection function of the light barrier. To have not too short pulses OUTH, this signal is
stimulated by signal OUTH Filter and synchronized reseted by OUTN.
Emitter LED
OUTN Filter
OUTH Filter
Figure 7: synchronization OUTH with OUTN
The trigger threshold of OUTH is set usually approx. 50% above the trigger threshold of OUTN.
This output is not CMOS compatible. Its voltage is depending of the load according to Figure 8.
OUTH low max.
OUTH high max.: 3.6V / - 40ºC
OUTH high typ.
OUTH high min.: 3.0V / + 85ºC
Voltage OUTH [V]
Figure 8: Output voltage versus output current of output OUTH
© 2011 ESPROS Photonics Corporation
Characteristics subject to change without notice
Datasheet epc110 - V2.1