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ELM327_13 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: ELM327_13
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内容描述: OBD转RS232解释 [OBD to RS232 Interpreter]
文件页数/大小: 82 页 / 393 K
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CAN Message Formats  
The ISO 15765-4 (CAN) standard defines several  
message types that are to be used with diagnostic  
systems. Currently, there are four that may be used:  
First Frame message. The length (014) was actually  
extracted from that message by the ELM327 and  
printed on the first line as shown. Following the First  
Frame line are two Consecutive Frames (that begin  
with 1: and 2:). To learn more details of the exact  
formatting, you may want to send a request such as  
the one above, then repeat the same request with the  
headers enabled (AT H1). This will show the PCI bytes  
that are actually used to send these components of the  
total message.  
The Flow Control frame is one that you do not  
normally have to deal with. When a First Frame  
message is sent as part of a reply, the ELM327 must  
tell the sender some technical things (such as how  
long to delay between Consecutive Frames, etc.) and  
does so by replying immediately with a Flow Control  
message. These are predefined by the ISO 15765-4  
standard, so can be automatically inserted for you. If  
you wish to generate custom Flow Control messages,  
then refer to the ‘Altering Flow Control Messages’  
section, on page 48.  
If a Flow Control frame is detected while  
monitoring, the line will be displayed with ‘FC: ’ before  
the data, to help you with decoding of the information.  
There is a final type of message that is  
occasionally reported, but is not supported by the  
diagnostics standard. The (Bosch) CAN standard  
allows for the transmission of a data request without  
sending any data in the requesting message. To  
ensure that the message is seen as such, the sender  
also sets a special flag in the message (the RTR bit),  
which is seen at each receiver. The ELM327 always  
looks for this flag, or for zero data bytes, and may  
report to you that an RTR was detected while  
monitoring. This is shown by the characters RTR  
where data would normally appear, but only if the CAN  
Auto Formatting is off, or headers are enabled. Often,  
when monitoring a CAN system with an incorrect baud  
rate chosen, RTRs may be seen.  
Note that the CAN system is quite robust with  
several error detecting methods in place, so that  
during normal data transmission you will rarely see  
any errors. When monitoring buses however, you may  
well see errors (especially if the ELM327 is set to an  
incorrect baud rate). As a diagnostic aid, when errors  
do occur, the ELM327 will print all bytes (no matter  
what CAF, etc., is set to), followed by the message  
‘<RX ERROR’.  
SF - the Single Frame  
FF - the First Frame (of a multiframe message)  
CF - the Consecutive Frame ( ‘ ‘ )  
FC - the Flow Control frame  
The Single Frame message contains storage for  
up to seven data bytes in addition to what is known as  
a PCI (Protocol Control Information) byte. The PCI  
byte is always the first of the data bytes, and tells how  
many data bytes are to follow. If the CAN Auto  
Formatting option is on (CAF1) then the ELM327 will  
create this byte for you when sending, and remove it  
for you when receiving. (If the headers are enabled,  
you will see it in the responses.)  
If you turn the Auto Formatting off (with CAF0), it  
is expected that you will provide all of the data bytes to  
be sent. For diagnostics systems, this means the PCI  
byte and the data bytes. The ELM327 will not modify  
your data in any way, except to add extra padding  
bytes for you, to ensure that you always send as many  
data data bytes as are required (eight for ISO15765).  
You do not need to set the Allow Long (AT AL) option  
in order to send eight bytes, as the IC overrides it for  
A First Frame message is used to say that a multi-  
frame message is about to be sent, and tells the  
receiver just how many data bytes to expect. The  
length descriptor is limited to 12 bits, so a maximum of  
4095 byes can be received at once using this method.  
Consecutive Frame messages are sent after the  
First Frame message to provide the remainder of the  
data. Each Consecutive Frame message includes a  
single hex digit ‘sequence number’ that is used to  
determine the order when reassembling the data. It is  
expected that if a message were corrupted and resent,  
it could be out of order by a few packets, but not by  
more than 16, so the single digit is normally more than  
adequate. As seen previously, the serial number for a  
vehicle is often a multiframe response:  
0: 49 02 01 31 44 34  
1: 47 50 30 30 52 35 35  
2: 42 31 32 33 34 35 36  
In this example, the line that begins with 0: is the  
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