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ELM327_13 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: ELM327_13
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内容描述: OBD转RS232解释 [OBD to RS232 Interpreter]
文件页数/大小: 82 页 / 393 K
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Using the CAN Mask and Filter  
Filtering of CAN messages (that is, deciding which  
to keep and which to reject), is usually handled most  
easily with the CRA command. The CRA command  
only allows for definition to the nibble level, however -  
if you need more selectivity (to the bit level), you must  
program the mask and filter.  
Putting this together, the filter will have a value:  
111 1110 1000 = 7E8  
and the mask will have a value:  
111 1111 1000 = 7F8  
Internally, the ELM327 configures an ‘acceptance  
filter’ with 1’s and 0’s based on the type of message  
that it wishes to receive (OBD, J1939, etc.). This  
pattern is then compared to the ID bits of all incoming  
messages. If the two patterns match, then the entire  
message is accepted, and if they do not, the message  
is rejected.  
In order to make these active, you will need to  
issue both a CAN Filter and a CAN Mask command:  
>AT CF 7E8  
>AT CM 7F8  
Having to match all 11 or 29 bits of the ID may be  
very restrictive in some cases (and would require a  
very large number of filters for some applications). To  
allow a little more flexibility in what to accept, and what  
to reject, a mask is also defined, in addition to the  
filter. This mask acts just like the type worn on your  
face - some features are exposed and some are  
hidden. If the mask has a ‘1’ in a bit position, that bit in  
the filter must match with the bit in the ID, or the  
message will be rejected. If the mask bit is a ‘0’, then  
the ELM327 does not care if that filter bit matches with  
the message ID bit or not.  
From that point on, only the IDs from 7E8 to 7EF  
will be accepted by the chip.  
The 29 bit IDs work in exactly the same way. For  
example, assume that you wish to receive only  
messages of the form:  
18 DA F1 XX  
where XX is the address of the ECU that is sending  
the message, but you do not care what the value is  
(this is the standard OBD response format). Putting 0’s  
in the mask for don’t care bits, then the mask needs to  
be set as follows:  
As an example, consider the standard response to  
an 11 bit OBD request. ISO15765-4 states that all  
responses will use IDs in the range from 7E8 to 7EF.  
That is:  
>AT CM 1F FF FF 00  
(as every bit except those in the last byte are relevant)  
while the filter may be set to:  
1. There must always be a ‘7 ‘ (binary 111) as the  
first nibble (so the filter should have the value 111  
or 7). All 3 bits are relevant (so the mask should  
be binary 111 or 7). Note that this first nibble is  
only 3 bits wide for the 11 bit CAN ID.  
>AT CF 18 DA F1 00  
Note that if a filter has been set, it will be used for  
all CAN messages, so setting filters and masks may  
cause standard OBD requests to be ignored, and you  
may begin seeing ‘NO DATA’ replies. If this happens,  
and you are unsure of why, you may want to reset  
everything to the default values (with AT CRA, AT D,  
or possibly AT WS) and start over.  
Quite likely, you will never have to use the CM and  
CF commands. If you do, then creating your own  
masks and filters can be difficult. You may find it  
helpful to draw the bit patterns first, and think about  
which ones matter, and which ones do not. It may also  
help to connect to a vehicle, apply test settings, and  
send AT MA to see how the settings affect the  
displayed data.  
2. There must always be an ‘E’ (binary 1110) in  
the second position, so the filter needs to be of  
value 1110 or E. Since all 4 bits are relevant, the  
mask needs to be of value 1111 or F.  
3. If you analyze the patterns for the binary  
numbers from 8 to F, you will see that the only  
thing in common is that the most significant bit is  
always set. That is, the mask will have a value of  
1000 since only that one bit is relevant, and you  
do not care what the other bits are. The filter  
needs to be assigned a value that has a 1 in the  
first position, but we do not care what is in the  
other three positions. In the following, we use 0’s  
in the positions (but it doesn’t really matter).  
Elm Electronics – Circuits for the Hobbyist  
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