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ELM327_13 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: ELM327_13
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内容描述: OBD转RS232解释 [OBD to RS232 Interpreter]
文件页数/大小: 82 页 / 393 K
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AT Command Descriptions (continued)  
SH xyz  
[ Set the Header to 00 0x yz ]  
If assigning header values for the KWP protocols  
(4 and 5), care must be taken when setting the first  
header byte (xx) value. The ELM327 will always insert  
the number of data bytes for you, but how it is done  
depends on the values that you assign to this byte. If  
the second digit of this first header byte is anything  
other than 0 (zero), the ELM327 assumes that you  
wish to have the length value inserted in that first byte  
when sending. In other words, providing a length value  
in the first header byte tells the ELM327 that you wish  
to use a traditional 3 byte header, where the length is  
stored in the first byte of the header.  
Entering CAN 11 bit ID words (headers) normally  
requires that extra leading zeros be added (eg. AT SH  
00 07 DF), but this command simplifies doing so. The  
AT SH xyz command accepts a three digit argument,  
takes only the right-most 11 bits from that, adds  
leading zeros, and stores the result in the header  
storage locations for you. As an example, AT SH 7DF  
is a valid command, and is quite useful for working  
with 11 bit CAN systems. It actually results in the  
header bytes being stored internally as 00 07 DF.  
If you provide a value of 0 for the second digit of  
the first header byte, the ELM327 will assume that you  
wish that value to remain as 0, and that you want to  
have a fourth header (length) byte inserted into the  
message. This is contrary to the ISO 14230-4 OBD  
standard, but it is in use by many KWP2000 systems  
for (non-OBD) data transfer, so may be useful when  
experimenting. Support for 4 byte KWP headers was  
added with v1.2 of the ELM327 IC, and is not available  
in previous versions.  
SH xx yy zz  
[ Set the Header to xx yy zz ]  
This command allows the user to manually control  
the values that are sent as the three header bytes in a  
message. These bytes are normally assigned values  
for you (and are not required to be adjusted), but there  
may be occasions when it is desirable to change them  
(particularly if experimenting with physical addressing).  
If experimenting, it is not necessary but may be better  
to set the headers after a protocol is active. That way,  
wakeup messages, etc. that get set on protocol  
activation will use the default values.  
SH ww xx yy zz  
[ Set the Header to ww xx yy zz ]  
The header bytes are defined with hexadecimal  
digits - xx will be used for the first or priority/type byte,  
yy will be used for the second or receiver/target byte,  
and zz will be used for the third or transmitter/source  
byte. These remain in effect until set again, or until  
restored to their default values with the D, WS, or Z  
If new values for header bytes are set before the  
vehicle protocol has been determined, and if the  
search is not set for fully automatic (ie other than  
protocol 0), these new values will be used for the  
header bytes of the first request to the vehicle. If that  
first request should fail to obtain a response, and if the  
automatic search is enabled, the ELM327 will then  
continue to search for a protocol using default values  
for the header bytes. Once a valid protocol is found,  
the header bytes will revert to the values assigned with  
the AT SH command.  
This command is used to assign all header bytes,  
whether they are for a J1850, ISO 9141, ISO 14230, or  
a CAN system. The CAN systems will use these three  
bytes to fill bits 0 to 23 of the ID word (for a 29 bit ID),  
or will use only the rightmost 11 bits for an 11 bit CAN  
ID (and any extra bits assigned will be ignored). The  
additional 5 bits needed for a 29 bit system are set  
with the AT CP command.  
This four byte version of the AT SH command  
allows setting a complete 29 bit CAN ID in one  
instruction. Alternatively, AT SP (for the five most  
significant bits) and AT SH (for the other three bytes)  
may be used.  
[ perform a Slow Initiation ]  
Protocols 3 and 4 use what is sometimes called a  
5 baud, or slow initiation sequence in order to begin  
communications. Usually, the sequence is performed  
when the first message needs to be sent, and then the  
message is sent immediately after. Some ECUs may  
need more time between the two however, and having  
a separate initiation command allows you to control  
this time. Simply send AT SI, wait a little, then send  
the message. You may need to experiment a little to  
get the right amount of delay. Protocol 3 or 4 must be  
selected to use the AT SI command, or an error will  
SP h  
[ Set Protocol to h ]  
This command is used to set the ELM327 for  
operation using the protocol specified by 'h', and to  
also save it as the new default. Note that the protocol  
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