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BCM4319GKUBGT 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

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内容描述: [Single-Chip IEEE 802.11™ a/b/g/n MAC/Baseband/ Radio with Integrated SDIO and USB Interfaces]
文件页数/大小: 84 页 / 2120 K
 浏览型号BCM4319GKUBGT的Datasheet PDF文件第20页浏览型号BCM4319GKUBGT的Datasheet PDF文件第21页浏览型号BCM4319GKUBGT的Datasheet PDF文件第22页浏览型号BCM4319GKUBGT的Datasheet PDF文件第23页浏览型号BCM4319GKUBGT的Datasheet PDF文件第25页浏览型号BCM4319GKUBGT的Datasheet PDF文件第26页浏览型号BCM4319GKUBGT的Datasheet PDF文件第27页浏览型号BCM4319GKUBGT的Datasheet PDF文件第28页  
BCM4319 Preliminary Data Sheet  
Frequency Trimming  
The BCM4319 is set at the factory to a default frequency of 30 MHz. For a typical design using a crystal, it is  
recommended that the default frequency be used: for USB Mode, 30 MHz is required.  
Frequency Trimming  
The BCM4319 uses a fractional-N synthesizer to digitally fine tune the frequency reference input to within 2  
ppm tuning accuracy. This trimming function can be applied to the crystal or an external frequency source such  
as a TCXO. Unlike typical crystal trimming methods, the BCM4319 uses a fully digital implementation to change  
the frequency, which is much more stable and tolerant of the crystal characteristics and temperature. The input  
impedance and loading characteristics remain unchanged on either the TCXO or the crystal during the trimming  
process and are unaffected by process and temperature variations.  
Single-Chip IEEE 802.11™ a/b/g/n MAC/Baseband/Radio  
Page 23  
April 2, 2014 • 4319-DS05-R  