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CS8900A-IQ3 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: CS8900A-IQ3
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内容描述: 水晶局域网? ISA以太网控制器 [Crystal LAN ⑩ ISA Ethernet Controller]
分类和应用: 控制器局域网以太网
文件页数/大小: 128 页 / 1360 K
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Crystal LAN™ ISA Ethernet Controller  
3.2 ISA Bus Interface  
3.2.3 Interrupt Request Signals  
The CS8900A provides a direct interface to ISA  
buses running at clock rates from 8 to 11 MHz. Its  
on-chip bus drivers are capable of delivering  
24 mA of drive current, allowing the CS8900A to  
drive the ISA bus directly, without added external  
"glue logic".  
The CS8900A has four interrupt request output  
pins that can be connected directly to any four of  
the ISA bus Interrupt Request signals. Only one in-  
terrupt output is used at a time. It is selected during  
initialization by writing the interrupt number (0 to  
3) into PacketPage Memory base + 0022h. Unused  
interrupt request pins are placed in a high-imped-  
ance state. The selected interrupt request pin goes  
high when an enabled interrupt is triggered. The  
pin goes low after the Interrupt Status Queue (ISQ)  
is read as all 0’s (see Section 5.1 on page 79 for a  
description of the ISQ).  
The CS8900A is optimized for 16-bit data trans-  
fers, operating in either Memory space, I/O space,  
or as a DMA slave.  
Note that ISA-bus operation below 8 MHz should  
use the CS8900A’s Receive DMA mode to mini-  
mize missed frames. See Section 5.4 on page 90 for  
a description of Receive DMA operation.  
Table 1 presents one possible way of connecting  
the interrupt request pins to the ISA bus that utiliz-  
es commonly available interrupts and facilitates  
board layout.  
3.2.1 Memory Mode Operation  
When configured for Memory Mode operation, the  
CS8900A’s internal registers and frame buffers are  
mapped into a contiguous 4-Kbyte block of host  
memory, providing the host with direct access to  
the CS8900A’s internal registers and frame buff-  
ers. The host initiates Read operations by driving  
the MEMR pin low and Write operations by driv-  
ing the MEMW pin low.  
CS8900A Interrupt  
Request Pin  
ISA Bus  
base + 0022h  
INTRQ3 (Pin 35)  
INTRQ0 (Pin 32)  
INTRQ1 (Pin 31)  
INTRQ2 (Pin 30)  
Table 1. Interrupt Assignments  
For additional information about Memory Mode,  
see Section 4.9 on page 74.  
3.2.4 DMA Signals  
The CS8900A interfaces directly to the host DMA  
controller to provide DMA transfers of receive  
frames from CS8900A memory to host memory.  
The CS8900A has three pairs of DMA pins that can  
be connected directly to the three 16-bit DMA  
channels of the ISA bus. Only one DMA channel is  
used at a time. It is selected during initialization by  
writing the number of the desired channel (0, 1 or  
2) into PacketPage Memory base + 0024h. Unused  
3.2.2 I/O Mode Operation  
When configured for I/O Mode operation, the  
CS8900A is accessed through eight, 16-bit I/O  
ports that are mapped into sixteen contiguous I/O  
locations in the host system’s I/O space. I/O Mode  
is the default configuration for the CS8900A and is  
always enabled.  
For an I/O Read or Write operation, the AEN pin  
must be low, and the 16-bit I/O address on the ISA DMA pins are placed in a high-impedance state.  
System Address bus (SA0 - SA15) must match the  
address space of the CS8900A. For a Read, IOR  
must be low, and for a Write, IOW must be low.  
The selected DMA request pin goes high when the  
CS8900A has received frames to transfer to the  
host memory via DMA. If the DMABurst bit (reg-  
ister 17, BusCTL, Bit B) is clear, the pin goes low  
after the DMA operation is complete. If the  
For additional information about I/O Mode, see  
Section 4.10 on page 76.  