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CS8900A-IQ3 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: CS8900A-IQ3
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内容描述: 水晶局域网? ISA以太网控制器 [Crystal LAN ⑩ ISA Ethernet Controller]
分类和应用: 控制器局域网以太网
文件页数/大小: 128 页 / 1360 K
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Crystal LAN™ ISA Ethernet Controller  
3.1 Overview  
transmits it onto the network. The second phase be-  
gins with the CS8900A transmitting the preamble  
and Start-of-Frame delimiter as soon as the proper  
number of bytes has been transferred into its trans-  
mit buffer (5, 381, 1021 bytes or full frame, de-  
pending on configuration). The preamble and Start-  
of-Frame delimiter are followed by the Destination  
Address, Source Address, Length field and LLC  
data (all supplied by the host). If the frame is less  
than 64 bytes, including CRC, the CS8900A adds  
pad bits if configured to do so. Finally, the  
CS8900A appends the proper 32-bit CRC value.  
During normal operation, the CS8900A performs  
two basic functions: Ethernet packet transmission  
and reception. Before transmission or reception is  
possible, the CS8900A must be configured.  
3.1.1 Configuration  
The CS8900A must be configured for packet trans-  
mission and reception at power-up or reset. Various  
parameters must be written into its internal Config-  
uration and Control registers such as Memory Base  
Address; Ethernet Physical Address; what frame  
types to receive; and which media interface to use.  
Configuration data can either be written to the  
CS8900A by the host (across the ISA bus), or load-  
ed automatically from an external EEPROM. Oper-  
ation can begin after configuration is complete.  
The Section 5.7 on page 99 provides a detailed de-  
scription of packet transmission.  
3.1.3 Packet Reception  
Like packet transmission, packet reception occurs  
in two phases. In the first phase, the CS8900A re-  
ceives an Ethernet packet and stores it in on-chip  
memory. The first phase of packet reception begins  
with the receive frame passing through the analog  
front end and Manchester decoder where Manches-  
ter data is converted to NRZ data. Next, the pream-  
ble and Start-of-Frame delimiter are stripped off  
and the receive frame is sent through the address  
filter. If the frame’s Destination Address matches  
the criteria programmed into the address filter, the  
packet is stored in the CS8900A’s internal memo-  
ry. The CS8900A then checks the CRC, and de-  
pending on the configuration, informs the  
processor that a frame has been received.  
Section 3.3 on page 19 and Section 3.4 on page 21  
describe the configuration process in detail.  
Section 4.4 on page 47 provides a detailed descrip-  
tion of the bits in the Configuration and Control  
3.1.2 Packet Transmission  
Packet transmission occurs in two phases. In the  
first phase, the host moves the Ethernet frame into  
the CS8900A’s buffer memory. The first phase be-  
gins with the host issuing a Transmit Command.  
This informs the CS8900A that a frame is to be  
transmitted and tells the chip when to start trans-  
mission (i.e. after 5, 381, 1021 or all bytes have  
been transferred) and how the frame should be sent  
(i.e. with or without CRC, with or without pad bits,  
etc.). The Host follows the Transmit Command  
with the Transmit Length, indicating how much  
buffer space is required. When buffer space is  
available, the host writes the Ethernet frame into  
the CS8900A’s internal memory, either as a Mem-  
ory or I/O space operation.  
In the second phase, the host transfers the receive  
frame across the ISA bus and into host memory.  
Receive frames can be transferred as Memory  
space operations, I/O space operations, or as DMA  
operations using host DMA. Also, the CS8900A  
provides the capability to switch between Memory  
or I/O operation and DMA operation by using  
Auto-Switch DMA and StreamTransfer.  
The Section 5.2 on page 79 through Section 5.6 on  
page 96 provide a detailed description of packet re-  
In the second phase of transmission, the CS8900A  
converts the frame into an Ethernet packet then  