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CS4926-CL 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: CS4926-CL
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内容描述: 多声道数字音频解码器 [Multi-Channel Digital Audio Decoders]
分类和应用: 解码器
文件页数/大小: 56 页 / 648 K
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information). For the explicit termination  
requirements of each communication mode please  
see the typical connection diagrams.  
3.2 Termination Requirements  
The CS4923/4/5/6/7/8/9 incorporates open drain  
pins which must be pulled high for proper  
operation. INTREQ (pin 20) is always an open  
drain pin which requires a pull-up for proper  
Generally a 4.7k Ohm resistor is recommended for  
open drain pins while a 10k Ohm resistor is  
sufficient for the GPIO pins and unused inputs.  
operation. When in the I C serial communication  
mode, the SCDIO signal (pin 19) is open drain and  
thus requires a pull-up for proper operation.  
3.3 Phase Locked Loop Filter  
The internal phase locked loop (PLL) of the  
CS4923/4/5/6/7/8/9 requires an external filter for  
successful operation. The topology of this filter and  
component values are shown in the typical  
connection diagrams. Care should be taken when  
laying out the filter circuitry to minimize trace  
lengths and to avoid any close routing of high  
frequency signals. Any noise coupled on to the  
filter circuit will be directly coupled into the PLL,  
which could affect performance.  
Due to the internal, multiplexed design of the pins,  
certain signals may or may not require termination  
depending on the mode being used. If a parallel  
host communication mode is not being used,  
GPIO[11:0] must be terminated or driven as these  
pins will come up as high impedance inputs and  
will be prone to oscillation if they are left floating.  
The specific termination requirements may vary  
since the state of some of the GPIO pins will  
determine the communication mode at the rising  
edge of reset (please see section 6 for more  