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CS51311GDR14 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: CS51311GDR14
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内容描述: CPU同步降压控制器的12V和5V的应用 [Synchronous CPU Buck Controller for 12V and 5V Applications]
分类和应用: 稳压器开关式稳压器或控制器电源电路开关式控制器光电二极管
文件页数/大小: 19 页 / 239 K
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Application Information: continued  
voltage, it is affected by any change in the output regard-  
The first range is 2.125V to 3.525V in 100mV steps, the sec-  
ond is 1.325V to 2.075V in 50mV steps, depending on the  
digital input code. If all five bits are left open, the CS51311  
enters adjust mode. In adjust mode, the designer can  
choose any output voltage by using resistor divider feed-  
back to the VFB pin, as in traditional controllers. The  
CS51311 is specifically designed to meet or exceed Intel’s  
Pentium® II specifications.  
less of the origin of that change. The ramp signal also con-  
tains the DC portion of the output voltage, which allows  
the control circuit to drive the main switch to 0% or 100%  
duty cycle as required.  
A change in line voltage changes the current ramp in the  
inductor, affecting the ramp signal, which causes the V2  
control scheme to compensate the duty cycle. Since the  
change in inductor current modifies the ramp signal, as in  
current mode control, the V2TM control scheme has the same  
advantages in line transient response.  
Error Amplifier  
An inherent benefit of the V2TM control topology is that  
there is no large bandwidth requirement on the error  
amplifier design. The reaction time to an output load step  
has no relation to the crossover frequency, since transient  
response is handled by the ramp signal loop. The main  
purpose of this”slow”feedback loop is to provide DC accu-  
racy. Noise immunity is significantly improved, since the  
error amplifier bandwidth can be rolled off at a low fre-  
quency. Enhanced noise immunity improves remote sens-  
ing of the output voltage, since the noise associated with  
long feedback traces can be effectively filtered. The COMP  
pin is the output of the error amplifier and a capacitor to  
Gnd compensates the error amplifier loop. Additionally,  
through the built-in offset on the PWM Comparator non-  
inverting input, the COMP pin provides the hiccup timing  
for the Over-Current Protection, the soft start function that  
minimizes inrush currents during regulator power-up and  
switcher output enable.  
A change in load current will have an affect on the output  
voltage, altering the ramp signal. A load step immediately  
changes the state of the comparator output, which controls  
the main switch. Load transient response is determined  
only by the comparator response time and the transition  
speed of the main switch. The reaction time to an output  
load step has no relation to the crossover frequency of the  
error signal loop, as in traditional control methods.  
The error signal loop can have a low crossover frequency,  
since transient response is handled by the ramp signal loop.  
The main purpose of this “slow” feedback loop is to pro-  
vide DC accuracy. Noise immunity is significantly  
improved, since the error amplifier bandwidth can be rolled  
off at a low frequency. Enhanced noise immunity improves  
remote sensing of the output voltage, since the noise associ-  
ated with long feedback traces can be effectively filtered.  
Line and load regulation are drastically improved because  
there are two independent voltage loops. A voltage mode  
controller relies on a change in the error signal to compen-  
sate for a deviation in either line or load voltage. This  
change in the error signal causes the output voltage to  
change corresponding to the gain of the error amplifier,  
which is normally specified as line and load regulation.  
The CS51311 provides a controlled startup of regulator  
output voltage and features Programmable Soft Start  
implemented through the Error Amp and external  
Compensation Capacitor. This feature, combined with  
overcurrent protection, prevents stress to the regulator  
power components and overshoot of the output voltage  
A current mode controller maintains fixed error signal  
under deviation in the line voltage, since the slope of the  
ramp signal changes, but still relies on a change in the error during startup.  
signal for a deviation in load. The V2TM method of control  
maintains a fixed error signal for both line and load varia-  
tion, since the ramp signal is affected by both line and load.  
As Power is applied to the regulator, the CS51311  
Undervoltage Lockout circuit (UVL) monitors the ICs sup-  
ply voltage (VCC) which is typically connected to the +12V  
output of the AC-DC power supply. The UVL circuit pre-  
vents the NFET gates from being activated until VCC  
exceeds the 8.4V (typ) threshold. Hysteresis of 300mV (typ)  
is provided for noise immunity. The Error Amp Capacitor  
connected to the COMP pin is charged by a 30µA current  
Constant Off-Time  
To minimize transient response, the CS51311 uses a  
Constant Off-Time method to control the rate of output  
pulses. During normal operation, the Off-Time of the high  
side switch is terminated after a fixed period, set by the  
COFF capacitor. Every time the VFB pin exceeds the COMP  
pin voltage an Off-Time is initiated. To maintain regula-  
tion, the V2TM Control Loop varies switch On-Time. The  
PWM comparator monitors the output voltage ramp, and  
terminates the switch On-Time.  
Constant Off-Time provides a number of advantages.  
Switch duty Cycle can be adjusted from 0 to 100% on a  
pulse-by pulse basis when responding to transient condi-  
tions. Both 0% and 100% Duty Cycle operation can be  
maintained for extended periods of time in response to  
Load or Line transients.  
source. This capacitor must be charged to 1.1V (typ) so that  
it exceeds the PWM comparator’s offset before the V2  
PWM control loop permits switching to occur.  
When VCC has exceeded 8.4V and COMP has charged to  
1.1V, the upper Gate driver (GATE(H)) is activated, turn-  
ing on the upper FET. This causes current to flow through  
the output inductor and into the output capacitors and  
load according to the following equation:  
I = (VIN – VOUT) ×  
GATE(H) and the upper NFET remain on and inductor cur-  
rent ramps up until the initial pulse is terminated by either  
the PWM control loop or the overcurrent protection. This  
initial surge of in-rush current minimizes startup time, but  
avoids overstressing of the regulator’s power components.  
Programmable Output  
The CS51311 is designed to provide two methods for pro-  
gramming the output voltage of the power supply. A five  
bit on board digital to analog converter (DAC) is used to  
program the output voltage within two different ranges.  
The PWM comparator will terminate the initial pulse if the  