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CM6802SBH 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: CM6802SBH
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内容描述: EPA / 85 + ZVS-像PFC + PWM Combo控制器 [EPA/85+ ZVS-Like PFC+PWM COMBO CONTROLLER]
分类和应用: 功率因数校正控制器
文件页数/大小: 25 页 / 821 K
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CM6802SAH/SBH (Turbo-Speed PFC+Green PWM)  
Design for High Efficient Power Supply at both Full Load and Light Load  
Vrms Description:  
Clean Digital PFC Brown Out  
VRMS pin is designed for the following functions:  
Clean Digital PFC Brown Out provides a clean cut off when  
AC input is much lower than regular AC input voltage such as  
1. VRMS is used to detect the AC Brown Out (Also, we can  
call it Clean Digital PFC brown out.). When VRMS is less  
than 1.0 V +/-3%, PFCOUT will be turned off and VEAO  
will be softly discharged. When VRMS is greater than  
1.75V +/-3%, PFCOUT is enabled and VEAO is released.  
Inside of Clean Digital PFC Brown Out, there is a comparator  
monitors the Vrms (pin 4) voltage. Clen Digital PFC Brown  
Out inhibits the PFC, and Veao (PFC eror amplifieoutput) is  
pulled down when the Vrms is ower thn off threhold, 1.0V  
(The off Vin voltage usually corespont67.2ac). When  
the Vrms voltage reaches 1.75(The Vn volage usually  
corresponds to 8.6V and wheVin = 0VaVrms = 1.14V),  
PFC is on.  
2. VRMS also is used to determine if the AC Line is high line  
or it is low line. If VRMS is above 3.0V +/- 5%, IC will  
recognize it is high line the. If VRMS is below 2.0V +/-  
5%, it is low line. Between 2V <=~ Vrms <=~ 3.0, it is the  
Before PFC is turned on, Vrs (in 4repesets the peak  
voltage of thAC input. ore FC is trned off, Vrms (pin 4)  
represents the Vrms voof te AC inut.  
3. At High Line and Light Load, 380V to 342V (Vfb threshold  
moves from 2.5V to 2.25V) is prohibited. At Low Line and  
Light Load, 380V to 342V (Vfb threshold moves from 2.5V  
to 2.25V) is enable. It provides ZVS-Like performance.  
Cycle-ByCycle Curent Lmier and  
Current Error Amplifier, IEAO  
ThSENSpinas wl as beig part f the current  
febalop, is a dit nputo he ycle-b-cycle current  
limer fthPFseon. Shold e it volage at this pin  
er be morneativthan –1Vthoutut of he PFC will be  
diabled untthe proection fliplop s reset by he clock pulse  
at he strt othe exPFC owr cycle.  
RS is he sensig rsistof the PFC boost nverter. During  
thsteady atelininucurrent x RSENS= Imul x 7.75K.  
Snce thmximm out voltage of the gaimodulator is Imul  
mx x .75.8V during the steady state, RSENSE x line  
The current error amplifier’s output controls the FC duty  
cycle to keep the average current through he boost ducto
linear function of the line voltage. At tiverting inut to
current error amplifier, the output curret of the gain odutor  
is summed with a current which resultfrom a negtie voage  
being impressed upon the ISENSE pin. he negatltae on  
ISENSE represents the sum of all currnts flowig ithe PFC  
circuit, and is typically derived from a urrnt snse esior
series with the negative terminal of thpubrge retifi
inut curenill be limited below 0.8V as well. When VEAO  
reaches maxum VEAO which is 6V, Isense can reach 0.8V.  
A100% load, VEAO should be around 4.5V and ISENSE  
aerage peak is 0.6V. It will provide the optimal dynamic  
reponse + tolerance of the components.  
In higher power applicationswo curretansformeare  
sometised, one to mnhe F of he boost ioe. As  
stated o, the inverting ut the currnt error amplier is  
a virtal grnd. Gn thifact, and the arrngemnt the  
duty ycle mdulalaries intrnato te PFC, aincas
in psitive currefrom te gan modultor will ause
outpt stage to ncreae s dutcyle ntil he ltage on  
ISENE is adequaely neatie to ancl thiinceaecurrent.  
Simarly, if the ain mdultor’s utpt dereathe output  
dutcycle will dcreaseto achiee a ess egate voltage on  
the SENSE pin.  
Therefore, to choose RSENSE, we use the following equation:  
RSENSE + RParasitic =0.6V x Vinpeak / (2 x Line Input power)  
For example, if the minimum input voltage is 80VAC, and the  
maximum input rms power is 200Watt, RSENSE + RParasitic  
(0.6V x 80V x 1.414) / (2 x 200) = 0.169 ohm. The designer  
needs to consider the parasitic resistance and the margin of  
the power supply and dynamic response. Assume RParasitic  
0.03Ohm, RSENSE = 0.139Ohm.  
Eror Ampliier Compensation  
Te PWM oadng othe PFC can be modeled as a negative  
restor; an ncrse n input voltage to the PWM causes a  
decease ithe ut current. This response dictates the  
pror copensaon of the two transconductance error  
ampiersigure 2 shows the types of compensation networks  
mosmonly used for the voltage and current error  
ampli, along with their respective return points. The current  
loop compensation is returned to VREF to produce a soft-start  
characteristic on the PFC: as the reference voltage comes up  
from zero volts, it creates a differentiated voltage on IEAO which  
prevents the PFC from immediately demanding a full duty  
cycle on its boost converter.  
In the CM6802SAH/SBH, PFC OVP comparator serves to  
protect the power circuit from being subjected to excessive  
voltages if the load should suddenly change. A resistor divider  
from the high voltage DC output of the PFC is fed to VFB.  
When the voltage on VFB exceeds ~ 2.85V, the PFC output  
driver is shut down. The PWM section will continue to operate.  
The OVP comparator has 250mV of hysteresis, and the PFC  
will not restart until the voltage at VFB drops below ~ 2.55V.  
The VFB power components and the CM6802SAH/SBH are  
within their safe operating voltages, but not so low as to  
interfere with the boost voltage regulation loop.  
2009/11/02 Rev. 1.5  
Champion Microelectronic Corporation  