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CM6802SBH 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: CM6802SBH
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内容描述: EPA / 85 + ZVS-像PFC + PWM Combo控制器 [EPA/85+ ZVS-Like PFC+PWM COMBO CONTROLLER]
分类和应用: 功率因数校正控制器
文件页数/大小: 25 页 / 821 K
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CM6802SAH/SBH (Turbo-Speed PFC+Green PWM)  
Design for High Efficient Power Supply at both Full Load and Light Load  
Power Factor Correction  
Getting Start:  
Power factor correction makes a nonlinear load look like a  
To start evaluating CM6802SAH/SBH from the exiting  
CM6800 or ML4800 board, 6 things need to be taken care  
before doing the fine tune:  
resistive load to the AC line. For a resistor, the current drawn  
from the line is in phase with and proportional to the line  
voltage, so the power factor is unity (one). A common class of  
nonlinear load is the input of most power supplies, which use a  
bridge rectifier and capacitive input filter fed from the line. The  
1.) Change RAC resistor (on pin 2, IAC) from the old value to  
a higher resistor value between 4.7 Mega ohms to 8 Mega peak-charging effect, which occurs on the input filter capacitor  
in these supplies, causes brief high-amplitude pulses of current  
to flow from the power line, rather than a sinusoidal current in  
phase with the line voltage. Such supplies present a power  
factor to the line of less than one (i.e. they cause significant  
current harmonics of the power line frequency to appear at  
their input). If the input current drawn by such a supply (or any  
other nonlinear load) can be made to follow the input voltage in  
instantaneous amplitude, it will appear resistive to the AC line  
and a unity power factor will be achieved.  
2.) Change RTCT pin (pin 7) from the existing value to  
RT=5.88K ohm and CT=1000pF to have fpfc=68 Khz,  
fpwm=68Khz, fRTCT=272Khz for CM6802SAH and  
3.) Adjust all high voltage resistor around 5 mega ohm or  
To hold the input current draw of a device drawing power  
from the AC line in phase with and proportional to the input  
voltage, a way must be found to prevent that device from  
loading the line except in proportion to the instantaneous line  
voltage. The PFC section of the CM6802SAH/SBH uses a  
boost-mode DC-DC converter to accomplish this. The input to  
the converter is the full wave rectified AC line voltage. No bulk  
filtering is applied following the bridge rectifier, so the input  
voltage to the boost converter ranges (at twice line frequency)  
from zero volts to the peak value of the AC input and back to  
zero. By forcing the boost converter to meet two simultaneous  
conditions, it is possible to ensure that the current drawn from  
the power line is proportional to the input line voltage. One of  
these conditions is that the output voltage of the boost  
converter must be set higher than the peak value of the line  
voltage. A commonly used value is 385VDC, to allow for a high  
line of 270VACrms. The other condition is that the current drawn  
from the line at any given instant must be proportional to the  
line voltage. Establishing a suitable voltage control loop for the  
converter, which in turn drives a current error amplifier and  
switching output driver satisfies the first of these requirements.  
The second requirement is met by using the rectified AC line  
voltage to modulate the output of the voltage control loop. Such  
modulation causes the current error amplifier to command a  
power stage current that varies directly with the input voltage.  
In order to prevent ripple, which will necessarily appear at the  
output of boost circuit (typically about 10VAC on a 385V DC  
level); from introducing distortion back through the voltage  
error amplifier, the bandwidth of the voltage loop is deliberately  
kept low. A final refinement is to adjust the overall gain of the  
PFC such to be proportional to 1/(Vin x Vin), which linearizes  
the transfer function of the system as the AC input to voltage  
4.) VRMS pin (pin 4) needs to be 1.14V at VIN=80Vac and to  
be 1.21V at VIN=80VAC for universal input application  
from line input from 80VAC to 270VAC.  
5.) At full load, the average Veao needs to around 4.5V and  
the ripple on the Veao needs to be less than 250mV when  
the light load comparator are triggerred.  
6.) Soft Start pin (pin 5), the soft start current has been  
reduced from CM6800’s 20uA to CM6802SAH/SBH’s  
10uA.Soft Start capacitor can be reduced to 1/2 from your  
original CM6800 capacitor.  
Functional Description  
CM6802SAH/SBH is designed for high efficient power supply  
for both full load and light load. It is a popular EPA/85+  
PFC-PWM power supply controller.  
The CM6802SAH/SBH consists of an average current  
controlled continuous/discontinuous boost Power Factor  
Correction (PFC) front end and a synchronized Pulse Width  
Modulator (PWM) back end. The PWM can be used in either  
current or voltage mode. In voltage mode, feed-forward from  
the PFC output bus can be used to improve the PWM’s line  
regulation. In either mode, the PWM stage uses conventional  
trailing edge duty cycle modulation, while the PFC uses  
leading edge modulation. This patented leading/trailing edge  
modulation technique results in a higher usable PFC error  
amplifier bandwidth, and can significantly reduce the size of  
the PFC DC buss capacitor.  
The synchronized of the PWM with the PFC simplifies the  
PWM compensation due to the controlled ripple on the PFC  
output capacitor (the PWM input capacitor). In addition to  
power factor correction, a number of protection features have  
been built into the CM6802SAH/SBH. These include soft-start,  
PFC over-voltage protection, peak current limiting, brownout  
protection, duty cycle limiting, and under-voltage lockout.  
Since the boost converter topology in the CM6802SAH/SBH  
PFC is of the current-averaging type, no slope compensation is  
More exactly, the output current of the gain modulator is given  
2009/11/02 Rev. 1.5  
Champion Microelectronic Corporation  