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BMA253 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: BMA253
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内容描述: [3轴 12bit 加速度传感器]
分类和应用: 传感器
文件页数/大小: 119 页 / 2014 K
品牌: BOSCH [ Bosch Sensortec GmbH ]
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Data sheet  
Page 24  
Register (0x36) cal_trigger is a write-only register. Once triggered, the status of the fast  
correction process is reflected in the status bit (0x36) cal_rdy. Bit (0x36) cal_rdy is ‘0’ while the  
correction is in progress. Otherwise it is ‘1’. Bit (0x36) cal_rdy is ´0´ when (0x36) cal_trigger is  
not ´00´.  
For the fast offset compensation, the compensation target can be chosen by setting the bits  
(0x37) offset_target_x, (0x37) offset_target_y, and (0x37) offset_target_z according to Table 9:  
Table 9: Offset target settings  
Target value  
Fast compensation should not be used in combination with any of the low-power modes. In low-  
power mode the conditions (availability of necessary data) for proper function of fast  
compensation are not fulfilled.  
4.5.3 Manual compensation  
The contents of the public compensation registers (0x38, 0x39, 0x3A) offset_filt_x/y/z can be  
set manually via the digital interface. It is recommended to write into these registers directly  
after a new data interrupt has occurred in order not to disturb running offset computations.  
Writing to the offset compensation registers is not allowed while the fast compensation  
procedure is running.  
4.5.4 Inline calibration  
For certain applications, it is often desirable to calibrate the offset once and to store the  
compensation values permanently. This can be achieved by using one of the aforementioned  
offset compensation methods to determine the proper compensation values and then storing  
these values permanently in the NVM. See section 4.6 Non-volatile memory for details of the  
storing procedure.  
Each time the device is reset, the compensation values are loaded from the non-volatile  
memory into the image registers and used for offset compensation until they are possibly  
overwritten using one of the other compensation methods.  
BST-BMA253-DS000-01 | Revision 1.0 | August 2015  
Bosch Sensortec  
© Bosch Sensortec GmbH reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to  
third parties. BOSCH and the symbol are registered trademarks of Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany.  
Note: Specifications within this document are subject to change without notice.  