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AFE1124E 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: AFE1124E
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IN THE AFE1124  
PER AFE1124  
584 (E1)  
584 (E1)  
392 (T1)  
392 (T1)  
146 (E1/4)  
146 (E1/4)  
A key measure of transceiver performance is uncancelled  
echo. Uncancelled echo is the summation of all of the errors  
in the transmit and receive paths of the AFE1124. It includes  
effects of linearity, distortion and noise. Uncancelled echo is  
tested in production by Burr-Brown with a circuit that is  
similar to the one shown in Figure 7, Uncancelled Echo Test  
TABLE II. Typical Power Dissipation.  
circuit uses a 1:2 transformer. The power measurements  
shown in Table II use an equivalent resistive load instead of  
the transformer to eliminate frequency dependent imped-  
ances of the transformer.  
The measurement of uncancelled echo is made as follows.  
The AFE is connected to an output circuit including a typical  
1:2 line transformer. The line is simulated by a 135Ω  
resistor. Symbol sequences are generated by the tester and  
applied both to the AFE and to the input of an adaptive filter.  
The output of the adaptive filter is subtracted from the AFE  
output to form the uncanceled echo signal. Once the filter  
taps have converged, the RMS value of the uncancelled echo  
is calculated. Since there is no far-end signal source or  
additive line noise, the uncanceled echo contains only noise  
and linearity errors generated in the transmit and receive  
sections of the AFE1124.  
The analog front end of an HDSL system has two conflicting  
requirements. It must accept and deliver moderately high  
rate digital signals and it must generate, drive, and convert  
precision analog signals. To achieve optimal system perfor-  
mance with the AFE1124, both the digital and the analog  
sections must be treated carefully in board layout design.  
The data sheet value for uncancelled echo is the ratio of  
the RMS uncanceled echo (referred to the receiver input  
through the receiver gain) to the nominal transmitted signal  
(13.5dBm into 135, or 1.74Vrms). This echo value is  
measured under a variety of conditions: with loopback  
enabled (line input disconnected); with loopback disabled  
under all receiver gain ranges; and with the line shorted (S1  
closed in Figure 7).  
The power supply for the digital section of the AFE1124 can  
range from 3.3V to 5V. This supply should be decoupled to  
digital ground with ceramic 0.1µF capacitors placed as close  
to DGND and DVDD as possible. One capacitor should be  
placed between pins 3 and 4 and the second capacitor  
between pins 11 and 12. Ideally, both a digital power supply  
plane and a digital ground plane should run up to and  
underneath the digital pins of the AFE1124 (pins 5 through  
10). However, DVDD may be supplied by a wide printed  
circuit board (PCB) trace. A digital ground plane underneath  
all digital pins is strongly recommended.  
Approximately 80% of the power dissipation in the AFE1124  
is in the analog circuitry, and this component does not  
change with clock frequency. However, the power dissipa-  
tion in the digital circuitry does decrease with lower clock  
frequency. In addition, the power dissipation in the digital  
section is decreased when operating from a smaller supply  
voltage, such as 3.3V. (The analog supply, AVDD, must  
remain in the range 4.75V to 5.25V).  
The remaining portion of the AFE1124 should be considered  
analog. All AGND pins should be connected directly to a  
common analog ground plane and all AVDD pins should be  
connected to an analog 5V power plane. Both of these planes  
should have a low impedance path to the power supply. The  
analog power supply pins should be decoupled to analog  
ground with ceramic 0.1µF capacitors placed as close to the  
AFE1124 as possible. One 10µF tantalum capacitor should  
also be used with each AFE1124 between the analog supply  
and analog ground.  
The power dissipation listed in the specifications section  
applies under these normal operating conditions: 5V Analog  
Power Supply; 3.3V Digital Power Supply; standard 13.5dBm  
delivered to the line; and a pseudo-random equiprobable  
sequence of HDSL output pulses. The power dissipation  
specifications includes all power dissipated in the AFE1124,  
it does not include power dissipated in the external load.  
The external power is 16.5dBm: 13.5dBm to the line and  
13.5dBm to the impedance matching resistors. The external  
load power of 16.5dBm is 45mW. The typical power dissi-  
pation in the AFE1124 under various conditions is shown in  
Table II.  
Ideally, all ground planes and traces and all power planes  
and traces should return to the power supply connector  
before being connected together (if necessary). Each ground  
and power pair should be routed over each other, should not  
overlap any portion of another pair, and the pairs should be  
separated by a distance of at least 0.25 inch (6mm). One  
exception is that the digital and analog ground planes should  
be connected together underneath the AFE1104 by a small  
The T1 and E1 power measurements in the Specifications  
are made with the output circuit shown in Figure 7. This  