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ADS7863IRGE 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: ADS7863IRGE
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内容描述: 双路, 1.5MSPS , 12位, 2 + 2通道,同步采样模拟数字转换器 [Dual, 1.5MSPS, 12-Bit, 2 + 2 Channel, Simultaneous Sampling ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTER]
分类和应用: 转换器
文件页数/大小: 30 页 / 663 K
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SBAS383JUNE 2007  
With tACQ = 125ns, the minimum bandwidth of the  
driving amplifier is 11.5MHz. The required bandwidth  
can be lower if the application allows a longer  
acquisition time.  
The ADC uses an external clock in the range of  
1MHz to 24MHz. 12 clock cycles are needed for a  
complete conversion; one additional clock cycle is  
used for pre-charging the sample capacitors. With a  
minimum of 16 clocks required per conversion, three  
clock cycles are used for sampling.  
A gain error occurs if a given application does not  
fulfill the settling requirement shown in Equation 1.  
As a result of precharging the capacitors, linearity  
and THD are not directly affected.  
The CLOCK duty cycle should be 50%. However, the  
ADS7863 functions properly with  
between 30% and 70%.  
a duty cycle  
recommended; in addition to offering the required  
bandwidth, it provides a low offset and also offers  
excellent THD performance.  
The phase margin of the driving operational amplifier  
is usually reduced by the ADC sampling capacitor. A  
resistor placed between the capacitor and the  
amplifier limits this effect; therefore, an internal 200Ω  
resistor (RSER) is placed in series with the switch.  
The switch resistance (RSW) is typically 50(see  
Equivalent Input Circuit).  
The ADS7863 features an internal power-on reset  
(POR) function. However, an external reset can also  
be issued using SDI Register bits A[2:0] (see the  
Digital section).  
The reference input is not buffered and is directly  
connected to the ADC. The converter generates  
spikes on the reference input voltage because of  
internal switching. Therefore, an external capacitor to  
the analog ground (AGND) should be used to  
stabilize the reference input voltage. This capacitor  
should be at least 470nF. Ceramic capacitors (X5R  
type) with values up to 1μF are commonly available  
as SMD in 0402 size.  
The differential input voltage range of the ADC is  
±VREF, the voltage at the REFIN pin.  
It is important to keep the voltage to all inputs within  
the 0.3V limit below AGND and above AVDD while  
not allowing dc current to flow through the inputs.  
Current is only necessary to recharge the  
sample-and-hold capacitors.  
Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC)  
The ADS7863 includes two SAR-type, 1.5MSPS,  
12-bit ADCs (shown in the Functional Block Diagram  
on the front page of this data sheet).  
The ADS7863 includes a low-drift, 2.5V internal  
reference source. This source feeds a 10-bit string  
DAC that is controlled via the serial interface. As a  
result of this architecture, the voltage at the REFOUT  
pin is programmable in 2.44mV steps and can be  
adjusted to specific application requirements without  
the use of additional external components.  
The analog inputs are held with the rising edge of the  
CONVST (conversion start) signal. The setup time of  
CONVST referred to the next rising edge of CLOCK  
(system clock) is 12ns (minimum). The conversion  
automatically starts with the rising CLOCK edge.  
CONVST should not be issued during a conversion,  
that is, when BUSY is high.  
However, the DAC output voltage should not be  
programmed below 0.5V to ensure the correct  
functionality of the reference output buffer. This  
buffer is connected between the DAC and the  
REFOUT pin, and is capable of driving the capacitor  
at the REFIN pin. A minimum of 470nF is required to  
keep the reference stable (see the previous  
discussion of REFIN above). For applications that use  
an external reference source, the internal reference  
can be disabled using bit RP in the SDI Register  
(see the Digital section). The settling time of the  
REFOUT pin is 100μs. The default value of the  
REFOUT pin after power-up is 2.5V.  
RD (read data) and CONVST can be shorted to  
minimize necessary software and wiring. The RD  
signal is triggered by the ADS7863 on the falling  
edge of CLOCK. Therefore, the combined signals  
must be activated with the rising CLOCK edge. The  
conversion then starts with the subsequent rising  
CLOCK edge.  
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