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ADS574 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: ADS574
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内容描述: 微处理器兼容采样CMOS模拟数字转换器 [Microprocessor-Compatible Sampling CMOS ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTER]
分类和应用: 转换器微处理器
文件页数/大小: 13 页 / 416 K
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ance node as compared with traditional ADC574 architec-  
tures, where the resistor divider network looks into a com-  
parator input node at virtual ground.  
To understand how this circuit works, it is necessary to  
know that the input range on the internal sampling capacitor  
is from 0V to +3.33V, and the analog input to the ADS574  
must be converted to this range. Unipolar 20V range can be  
used as an example of how the divider network functions. In  
20V operation, the analog input goes into pin 14. Pin 13 is  
left unconnected and pin 12 is connected to analog common  
pin 9. From Figure 12, it is clear that the input to the  
capacitor array will be the analog input voltage on pin 14  
divided by the resistor network (68k+ 68k|| 17k). A  
20V input at pin 14 is divided to 3.33V at the capacitor  
array, while a 0V input at pin 14 gives 0V at the capacitor  
Offset and full-scale errors may be trimmed to zero using  
external offset and full-scale trim potentiometers connected  
to the ADS574 as shown in Figures 10 and 11 for unipolar  
and bipolar operation.  
If external adjustments of full-scale and offset are not  
required, replace R2 in Figure 10 with a 50, 1% metal film  
resistor, omitting the other adjustment components. Connect  
pin 12 to pin 9.  
If adjustment is required, connect the converter as shown in  
Figure 10. Sweep the input through the end-point transition  
voltage (0V + 1/2LSB; +1.22mV for the 10V range, +2.44mV  
for the 20V range) that causes the output code to be DB0 ON  
(HIGH). Adjust potentiometer R1 until DB0 is alternately  
toggling ON and OFF with all other bits OFF. Then adjust  
full scale by applying an input voltage of nominal full-scale  
minus 3/2LSB, the value which should cause all bits to be  
ON. This value is +9.9963V for the 10V range and +19.9927V  
for the 20V range. Adjust potentiometer R2 until bits DB1-  
DB11 are ON and DB0 is toggling ON and OFF.  
The main effect of the 10kinternal resistor on pin 12 is to  
provide offset adjust response the same as that of traditional  
ADC574 architectures without needing to change the exter-  
nal trimpot values.  
The ADS574 is designed to operate from a single +5V  
supply, and handle all of the unipolar and bipolar input  
ranges, in either the Control Mode or the Emulation Mode as  
described above. Pin 7 is not connected internally. This is  
where +12V or +15V is supplied on traditional ADC574s.  
Pin 11, the –12V or –15V supply input on traditional  
ADC574s, is used only as a logic input on the ADS574.  
There is a resistor divider internally on pin 11 to reduce that  
input to a correct logic level within the ADS574, and this  
resistor will add 10mW to 15mW to the power consumption  
of the ADS574 when –15V is supplied to pin 11. To  
minimize power consumption in a system, pin 11 can be  
simply grounded (for Emulation Mode) or tied to +5V (for  
Control Mode.)  
If external adjustments of full-scale and bipolar offset are  
not required, replace the potentiometers in Figure 11 by  
50, 1% metal film resistors.  
If adjustments are required, connect the converter as shown  
in Figure 11. The calibration procedure is similar to that  
described above for unipolar operation, except that the offset  
adjustment is performed with an input voltage which is  
1/2LSB above the minus full-scale value (–4.9988V for the  
±5V range, –9.9976V for the ±10V range). Adjust R1 for  
DB0 to toggle ON and OFF with all other bits OFF. To  
adjust full-scale, apply a DC input signal which is 3/2LSB  
below the nominal plus full-scale value (+4.9963V for ±5V  
range, +9.9927V for ±10V range) and adjust R2 for DB0 to  
toggle ON and OFF with all other bits ON.  
There are no other modifications required for the ADS574 to  
function with a single +5V supply.  