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ADS2806Y/250 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: ADS2806Y/250
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内容描述: 双通道, 12位, 32MHz的采样模拟数字转换器 [Dual, 12-Bit, 32MHz Sampling ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTER]
分类和应用: 转换器
文件页数/大小: 19 页 / 376 K
 浏览型号ADS2806Y/250的Datasheet PDF文件第11页浏览型号ADS2806Y/250的Datasheet PDF文件第12页浏览型号ADS2806Y/250的Datasheet PDF文件第13页浏览型号ADS2806Y/250的Datasheet PDF文件第14页浏览型号ADS2806Y/250的Datasheet PDF文件第16页浏览型号ADS2806Y/250的Datasheet PDF文件第17页浏览型号ADS2806Y/250的Datasheet PDF文件第18页浏览型号ADS2806Y/250的Datasheet PDF文件第19页  
IN = CM, Pins 52, 61)  
Clock Input Requirements  
+FS1LSB (IN = CMV + FSR/2)  
1111 1111 1111  
1100 0000 0000  
1000 0000 0000  
0100 0000 0000  
0000 0000 0000  
Both channels of the ADS2806 are controlled by the same  
clock on the rising edge. Utilizing a single clock reduces  
timing uncertainty in the sampling of the two channels.  
Clock jitter is critical to the SNR performance of high-speed,  
high-resolution ADCs. Clock jitter leads to aperture jitter (tA),  
which adds noise to the signal being converted. The  
ADS2806 samples the input signal on the rising edge of the  
CLK input. Therefore, this edge should have the lowest  
possible jitter. The jitter noise contribution to total SNR is  
given by the following equation. If this value is near your  
system requirements, input clock jitter must be reduced.  
+1/2 FS  
Bipolar Zero (IN = VCM  
1/2 FS  
FS (IN = CMV FSR/2)  
TABLE II. Coding Table for Single-Ended Input Configuration  
with IN Tied to the Common-Mode Voltage.  
+FS1LSB (IN = +3V, IN = +2V)  
1111 1111 1111  
1100 0000 0000  
1000 0000 0000  
0100 0000 0000  
0000 0000 0000  
+1/2 FS  
Jitter SNR = 20log  
rms signal to rms noise  
Bipolar Zero (IN = IN = VCM  
2πƒIN tA  
1/2 FS  
where: ƒIN is input signal frequency  
FS (IN = +2V, IN = +3V)  
tA is rms clock jitter  
TABLE III. Coding Table for Differential Input Configuration.  
Particularly in undersampling applications, special consider-  
ation should be given to clock jitter. The clock input should be  
treated as an analog input in order to achieve the highest  
level of performance. Any overshoot or undershoot of the  
clock signal may cause degradation of the performance.  
When digitizing at high sampling rates, the clock should have  
50% duty cycle (tH = tL), along with fast rise and fall times of  
2ns or less. The clock input of the ADS2806 can be driven  
with either 3V or 5V logic levels. Using low-voltage logic (3V)  
may lead to improved AC performance of the converter.  
Data output is in the form of two parallel words. It is  
recommended that the capacitive loading on the data lines  
be as low as possible (< 15pF). Higher capacitive loading  
will cause larger dynamic currents as the digital outputs are  
changing. Those high current surges can feed back to the  
analog portion of the ADS2806 and affect the performance.  
If necessary, external buffers or latches close to the  
converters output pins may be used to minimize the capaci-  
tive loading. They also provide the added benefit of isolating  
the ADS2806 from high-frequency digital noise on the bus  
coupling back into the converter.  
Over Range Indicator (OVR)  
If the analog input voltage exceeds the set full-scale range,  
an over range condition exists. The OVRpin of the ADS2806  
can be used to monitor any such out-of-range condition. This  
OVRoutput is updated along with the data output corre-  
sponding to the particular sampled analog input voltage.  
Therefore, the OVR data is subject to the same pipeline  
delay as the digital data. The OVR output is LOW when the  
input voltage is within the defined input range. It will go HIGH  
if the applied signal exceeds the full-scale range.  
Digital Output Driver Supply (VDRV)  
Each channel of the ADS2806 has a separate dedicated  
supply pin (8, 40) for the output logic drivers, VDRV, which  
are not internally connected to the other supply pins. Setting  
the voltage at VDRV to +5V or +3V, the ADS2806 produces  
corresponding logic levels and can directly interface to the  
selected logic family. The output stages are designed to  
supply sufficient current to drive a variety of logic families.  
However, it is recommended to use the ADS2806 with +3V  
logic supply. This will lower the power dissipation in the  
output stages due to the lower output swing and reduce  
current glitches on the supply line that may affect the AC  
performance of the converter. In some applications, it might  
be advantageous to decouple the VDRV pin with additional  
capacitors or a pi-filter.  
Data Outputs  
The digital outputs of the ADS2806 can be set to a high-  
impedance state by driving OE (pins 6 and 42) with a logic  
HIGH. Normal operation is achieved with pins 6 and 42  
LOW due to internal pull-down resistors. This function is  
provided for testability purposes and is not meant to drive  
digital buses directly, or be dynamically changed during the  
conversion process. The output data format of the ADS2806  
is in positive Straight Offset Binary code, as shown in  
Tables II and III. This format can easily be converted into the  
Binary Twos Complement code by inverting the MSB.  
The digital outputs of the ADS2806 can be set to high  
impedance (tri-state) by driving OEA and OEB (pins 6, 42)  
with a logic HIGH. Normal operation is achieved with the  
same pins pulled LOW.  