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ADS1212U/1K 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: ADS1212U/1K
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内容描述: 22位模拟数字转换器 [22-Bit ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTER]
分类和应用: 转换器光电二极管
文件页数/大小: 49 页 / 1227 K
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considerations associated with VBIAS and the settling of  
external circuitry. All of these must be taken into account  
when determining the amount of time required to resume  
normal operation. The timing diagram shown in Figure 10  
does not take into account the settling of external circuitry.  
the analog signal must reside within this range, the linearity  
of the ADS1212/13 is only ensured when the actual analog  
input voltage resides within a range defined by AGND –  
30mV and AVDD +30mV. This is due to leakage paths  
which occur within the part when AGND and AVDD are  
For this reason, the 0V to 5V input range (gain of 1 with a 2.5V  
reference) must be used with caution. Should AVDD be 4.75V,  
the analog input signal would swing outside of the tested  
specifications of the device. Designs utilizing this mode of  
operation should consider limiting the span to a slightly smaller  
range. Common-mode voltages are also a significant concern  
in this mode and must be carefully analyzed.  
Change to Normal Mode Occurs Here  
Sleep Mode  
Conversion Start Here)  
An input voltage range of 0.75V to 4.25V is the smallest  
span that is allowed if a full system calibration will be  
performed (see the Calibration section for more details).  
This also assumes an offset error of zero. A better choice  
would be 0.5V to 4.5V (a full-scale range of 9V). This span  
would allow some offset error, gain error, power supply  
drift, and common-mode voltage while still providing full  
system calibration over reasonable variation in each of these  
NOTE: (1) Assuming that the external circuitry has  
been stable for the previous three tDATA periods.  
FIGURE 10. Sleep Mode to Normal Mode Timing.  
The actual input voltage exceeding AGND or AVDD should not  
be a concern in higher gain settings as the input voltage range  
will reside well within 0V to 5V. This is true unless the  
common-mode voltage is large enough to place positive full-  
scale or negative full-scale outside of the AGND to AVDD range.  
The input impedance of the analog input changes with  
ADS1212/13 clock frequency (fXIN), gain (G), and Turbo  
Mode Rate (TMR). The relationship is:  
AIN Impedance () = (1MHz/fXIN)•20E6/(G•TMR)  
Figure 11 shows the basic input structure of the ADS1212.  
The ADS1213 includes an input multiplexer, but this has  
little impact on the analysis of the input structure. The  
impedance is directly related to the sampling frequency of  
the input capacitor. The XIN clock rate sets the basic sam-  
pling rate in a gain of 1 and Turbo Mode Rate of 1. Higher  
gains and higher Turbo Mode Rates result in an increase of  
the sampling rate, while slower clock (XIN) frequencies  
result in a decrease.  
The input impedance of the REFIN input changes with clock  
frequency (fXIN) and Turbo Mode Rate (TMR). The relationship  
REFIN Impedance () = (1MHz/fXIN)•5E6/TMR  
Unlike the analog input, the reference input impedance has  
a negligible dependency on the PGA gain setting.  
The reference input voltage can vary between 2V and 3V. A  
nominal voltage of 2.5V appears at REFOUT, and this can be  
directly connected to REFIN. Higher reference voltages will  
cause the full-scale range to increase while the internal  
circuit noise of the converter remains approximately the  
same. This will increase the LSB weight but not the internal  
noise, resulting in increased signal-to-noise ratio and effec-  
tive resolution. Likewise, lower reference voltages will  
decrease the signal-to-noise ratio and effective resolution.  
> 1GΩ  
5pF Typical  
Switching Frequency  
= fSAMP  
FIGURE 11. Analog Input Structure.  
The ADS1212/13 contains an internal +2.5V reference.  
Tolerances, drift, noise, and other specifications for this  
reference are given in the Specification Table. Note that it is  
not designed to sink or to source more than 1mA of current.  
In addition, loading the reference with a dynamic or variable  
load is not recommended. This can result in small changes  
in reference voltage as the load changes. Finally, for designs  
approaching or exceeding 20 bits of effective resolution, a  
low-noise external reference is recommended as the internal  
reference may not have adequate performance.  
This input impedance can become a major point of consid-  
eration in some designs. If the source impedance of the input  
signal is significant or if there is passive filtering prior to the  
ADS1212/13, then a significant portion of the signal can be  
lost across this external impedance. How significant this  
effect is depends on the desired system performance.  
There are two restrictions on the analog input signal to the  
ADS1212/13. Under no conditions should the current into  
or out of the analog inputs exceed 10mA. In addition, while  
ADS1212, 1213  