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AS4SD2M32DGX-6XT 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: AS4SD2M32DGX-6XT
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内容描述: 512K ×32× 4银行( 64 MB) SDRAM同步 [512K x 32 x 4 Banks (64-Mb) Synchronous SDRAM]
分类和应用: 内存集成电路光电二极管动态存储器
文件页数/大小: 52 页 / 1943 K
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Austin Semiconductor, Inc.  
registered READ or WRITE command prior to the BURST  
TERMINATE command will be truncated, as shown in the  
Operation section of this data sheet.  
selects the bank, and the address provided on inputs A0-A8  
selects the starting column location. The value on input A10  
determines whether or not auto precharge is used. If auto  
precharge is selected, the row being accessed will be precharged  
at the end of the WRITE burst; if auto precharge is not  
selected, the row will remain open for subsequent accesses.  
Input data appearing on the DQs is written to the memory array  
subject to the DQM input logic level appearing coincident with  
the data. If a given DQM signal is registered LOW, the  
corresponding data will be written to memory; if the DQM  
signal is registered HIGH, the corresponding data inputs will be  
ignored, and a WRITE will not be executed to that byte/column  
AUTO REFRESH is used during normal operation of the  
SDRAM and is analogous to CAS\-BEFORE-RAS\ (CBR)  
REFRESH in conventional DRAMs. This command is  
nonpersistent, so it must be issued each time a refresh is  
required. All active banks must be precharged prior to issuing  
command should not be issued until the minimum tRP has been  
met after the PRECHARGE command as shown in the  
Operations section.  
The addressing is generated by the internal refresh  
controller. This makes the address bits “Don’t Care” during an  
AUTO REFRESH command. The 64Mb SDRAM requires 4,096  
The PRECHARGE command is used to deactivate the open  
row in a particular bank or the open row in all banks. The  
bank(s) will be available for a subsequent row access a speci-  
AUTO REFRESH cycles every 64ms (tREF), regardless of width  
operation. Providing a distributed AUTO REFRESH command  
every 7.81μs will meet the refresh requirement and ensure that  
each row is refreshed. Alternatively, 4,096 AUTO REFRESH  
commands can be issued in a burst at the minimum cycle rate  
fied time (tRP) after the PRECHARGE command is issued. Input  
A10 determines whether one or all banks are to be precharged,  
an in the case where only one bank is to be precharged, inputs  
BA0, BA1 select the bank. Otherwise BA0, BA1 are treated as  
“Don’t Care.” Once a bank has been precharged, it is in the idle  
state and must be activated prior to any READ or WRITE com-  
mands being issued to that bank.  
(tRFC), once every 64ms.  
The SELF REFRESH command can be used to retain data  
in the SDRAM, even if the rest of the system is powered down.  
When in the self refresh mode, the SDRAM retains data  
without external clocking. The SELF REFRESH command is  
initiated like and AUTO REFRESH command except CKE is  
disabled (LOW). Once the SELF REFRESH command is  
registered, all the inputs to the SDRAM become “Don’t Care”  
with the exception of CKE, which must remain LOW.  
Once self refresh mode is engaged, the SDRAM provides  
its own internal clocking, causing it to perform its own AUTO  
REFRESH cycles. The SDRAM must remain in self refresh  
mode for a minimum period equal to tRAS and may remain in  
self refresh mode for an indefinite period beyond that.  
The procedure for exiting self refresh requires a sequence  
of commands. First, CLK must be stable (stable clock is defined  
as a signal cycling within timing constraints specified for the  
clock pin) prior to CKE going back HIGH. Once CKE is HIGH,  
the SDRAM must have NOP commands issued (a minimum of  
two clocks) for tXSR because time is required for the  
completion of any internal refresh in progress.  
Auto precharge is a feature which performs the same  
individual-bank PRECHARGE functions described above,  
without requiring an explicit command. This is accomplished  
by using A10 to enable auto precharge in conjunction with a  
specific READ or WRITE command. A PRECHARGE of the  
bank/row that is addressed with the READ or WRITE  
command is automatically performed upon completion of the  
READ or WRITE burst, except in the full-page burst mode,  
whereAUTO PRECHARGE does not apply. Auto precharge is  
nonpersistent in that it is either enabled or disabled for each  
individual READ or WRITE command.  
Auto precharge ensures that the precharge is initiated at  
the earliest valid stage within a burst. The user must not issue  
another command to the same bank until the precharge time  
(tRP) is completed. This is determined as if an explicit  
PRECHARGE command was issued at the earliest possible time,  
as described for each burst type in the Operation section of this  
data sheet.  
Upon exiting the self refresh mode, an AUTO REFRESH  
commands should be immediately be performed for all addresses.  
The SELF REFRESH andAUTO REFRESH option are available  
with the IT and ET temperature options. They are not available  
with the XT temperature options.  
The BURST TERMINATE command is used to truncate  
either fixed-length or full-page bursts. The most recently  
Austin Semiconductor, Inc. reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice.  
Rev. 1.0 1/08  