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AS4SD2M32 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: AS4SD2M32
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内容描述: 512K ×32× 4银行( 64 MB) SDRAM同步 [512K x 32 x 4 Banks (64-Mb) Synchronous SDRAM]
分类和应用: 动态存储器
文件页数/大小: 52 页 / 1943 K
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Austin Semiconductor, Inc.  
Data from any READ burst may be truncated with a cated with, a PRECHARGE command to the same bank (pro-  
subsequent WRITE command, and data from a fixed-length vided that auto precharge was not activated), and a full-page  
READ burst may be immediately followed by data from a WRITE burst may be truncated with a PRECHARGE command to the  
command (subject to bus turn-around limitations). The WRITE same bank. The PRECHARGE command should be issued x  
burst may be initiated on the clock edge immediately following cycles before the clock edge at which the last desired data  
the last (or last desired) data element from the READ burst, element is valid, where x equals the CAS latency minus one.  
provided that I/O contention can be avoided. In a given This is shown in Figure 11 for each possible CAS latency; data  
system design, there may be a possibility that the device element n+3 is either the last of a burst of four or the last desired  
driving the input data will go Low-Z before the SDRAM DQs of a longer burst. Following the PRECHARGE command, a  
go High-Z. In this case, at least a single-cycle delay should subsequent command to the same bank cannot be issued until  
occur between the last read data and the WRITE command.  
The DQM input is used to avoid I/O contention, as shown  
in Figures 9 and 10. The DQM signal must be asserted (HIGH)  
at least two clocks prior to the write command (DQM latency is  
two clocks for output buffers) to suppress data-out from the  
READ. Once the WRITE command is registered, the DQs will  
go High-Z (or remain High-Z), regardless of the state of the  
DQM signal; provided the DQM was active on the clock just  
prior to the WRITE command that truncated the READ  
command. If not, the second WRITE will be an invalid WRITE.  
For example, if DQM was LOW during T4 in Figure 10, the  
WRITEs at T5 and T7 would be valid, while the WRITE at T6  
would be invalid.  
The DQM signal must be de-asserted prior to the WRITE  
command (DQM latency is zero clocks for input buffers) to  
ensure that the written data is not masked. Figure 9 shows the  
case where the clock frequency allows for bus contention to be  
avoided without adding a NOP cycle, and Figure 10 shows the  
case where the additional NOP is needed.  
tRP is met. Note that part of the row precharge time is hidden  
during the access of the last data element(s).  
In the case of a fixed-length burst being executed to  
completion, a PRECHARGE command issued at the optimum  
time (as described above) provides the same operation that  
would result from the same fixed-length burst with auto  
precharge. The disadvantage of the PRECHARGE command is  
that it requires that the command and address buses be  
available at the appropriate time to issue the command; the  
advantage of the PRECHARGE command is that it can be used  
to truncate fixed-length or full-page bursts.  
Full-page READ bursts can be truncated with the BURST  
TERMINATE command, and fixed-length READ bursts may be  
truncated with a BURSTTERMINATE command, provided that  
auto precharge was not activated. The BURST TERMINATE  
command should be issued x cycles before the clock edge at  
which the last desired data element is valid, where x equals the  
CAS latency minus one. This is shown in Figure 12 for each  
possible CAS latency; data element n+3 is the last desired data  
element of a longer burst.  
A fixed-length READ burst may be followed by, or trun-  
Extra Clock Cycle  
Austin Semiconductor, Inc. reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice.  
Rev. 1.0 1/08  