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AS4DDR32M72PBG1 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: AS4DDR32M72PBG1
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内容描述: 32Mx72 DDR SDRAM集成塑封微电路 [32Mx72 DDR SDRAM iNTEGRATED Plastic Encapsulated Microcircuit]
分类和应用: 动态存储器双倍数据速率
文件页数/大小: 18 页 / 332 K
 浏览型号AS4DDR32M72PBG1的Datasheet PDF文件第5页浏览型号AS4DDR32M72PBG1的Datasheet PDF文件第6页浏览型号AS4DDR32M72PBG1的Datasheet PDF文件第7页浏览型号AS4DDR32M72PBG1的Datasheet PDF文件第8页浏览型号AS4DDR32M72PBG1的Datasheet PDF文件第10页浏览型号AS4DDR32M72PBG1的Datasheet PDF文件第11页浏览型号AS4DDR32M72PBG1的Datasheet PDF文件第12页浏览型号AS4DDR32M72PBG1的Datasheet PDF文件第13页  
Austin Semiconductor, Inc.  
Althꢀꢁgh nꢀt a JEDEC reqꢁirement, tꢀ prꢀvide fꢀr fꢁtꢁre  
fꢁnctiꢀnality featꢁres, CKE mꢁst be active (High) dꢁring the  
AUTO REFRESH periꢀd. TheAUTO REFRESH periꢀd begins  
ohen the AUTO REFRESH cꢀmmand is registered and ends  
tRFC later.  
AUTO PRECHARGE is a featꢁre ohich perfꢀrms the same  
individꢁal-bank PRECHARGE fꢁnctiꢀn described abꢀve, bꢁt  
oithꢀꢁt reqꢁiring an explicit cꢀmmand. This is accꢀmplished  
by ꢁsing A10 tꢀ enable AUTO PRECHARGE in cꢀnjꢁnctiꢀn  
oith a specific READ ꢀr WRITE cꢀmmand. A precharge ꢀf  
the bank/rꢀo that is addressed oith the READ ꢀr WRITE  
cꢀmmand is aꢁtꢀmatically perfꢀrmed ꢁpꢀn cꢀmpletiꢀn ꢀf  
the READ ꢀr WRITE bꢁrst. AUTO PRECHARGE is  
nꢀnpersistent in that it is either enabled ꢀr disabled fꢀr each  
individꢁal READ ꢀr WRITE cꢀmmand. The device sꢁppꢀrts  
cꢀncꢁrrent aꢁtꢀ precharge if the cꢀmmand tꢀ the ꢀther bank  
dꢀes nꢀt interrꢁpt the data transfer tꢀ the cꢁrrent bank.  
The SELF REFRESH cꢀmmand can be ꢁsed tꢀ retain data  
in the DDR SDRAM, even if the rest ꢀf the system is pꢀoered  
dꢀon. When in the self refresh mꢀde, the DDR SDRAM retains  
data oithꢀꢁt external clꢀcking. The SELF REFRESH  
cꢀmmand is initiated like an AUTO REFRESH cꢀmmand  
except CKE is disabled (LOW). The DLL is aꢁtꢀmatically  
disabled ꢁpꢀn entering SELF REFRESH and is aꢁtꢀmatically  
enabled ꢁpꢀn exiting SELF REFRESH (200 clꢀck cycles mꢁst  
then ꢀccꢁr befꢀre a READ cꢀmmand can be issꢁed). Inpꢁt  
signals except CKE are “Dꢀn’t Care” dꢁring SELF REFRESH.  
The prꢀcedꢁre fꢀr exiting self refresh reqꢁires a seqꢁence  
ꢀf cꢀmmands. First, CLK mꢁst be stable priꢀr tꢀ CKE gꢀing  
back HIGH. Once CKE is HIGH, the DDR SDRAM mꢁst have  
NOP cꢀmmands issꢁed fꢀr tXSNR, becaꢁse time is reqꢁired  
AUTO PRECHARGE ensꢁres that the precharge is initiated  
at the earliest valid stage oithin a bꢁrst. This “earliest valid  
stage” is determined as if an explicit precharge cꢀmmand  
oas issꢁed at the earliest pꢀssible time, oithꢀꢁt viꢀlating  
tRAS (MIN).The ꢁser mꢁst nꢀt issꢁe anꢀther cꢀmmand tꢀ the  
same bank ꢁntil the precharge time (tRP) is cꢀmpleted. This  
is determined as if an explicit PRECHARGE cꢀmmand oas  
issꢁed at the earliest pꢀssible time, oithꢀꢁt viꢀlating tRAS  
fꢀr the cꢀmpletiꢀn ꢀf any internal refresh in prꢀgress.  
simple algꢀrithm fꢀr meeting bꢀth refresh and DLL  
reqꢁirements is tꢀ apply NOPs fꢀr 200 clꢀck cycles befꢀre  
applying any ꢀther cꢀmmand.  
* Self refresh available in cꢀmmercial and indꢁstrial temperatꢁres ꢀnly.  
The BURST TERMINATE cꢀmmand is ꢁsed tꢀ trꢁncate READ  
bꢁrsts (oith aꢁtꢀ precharge disabled). The mꢀst recently  
registered READ cꢀmmand priꢀr tꢀ the BURST TERMINATE  
cꢀmmand oill be trꢁncated. The ꢀpen page ohich the READ  
bꢁrst oas terminated frꢀm remains ꢀpen.  
AUTO REFRESH is ꢁsed dꢁring nꢀrmal ꢀperatiꢀn ꢀf the  
DDR SDRAM and is analꢀgꢀꢁs tꢀ CAS#-BEFORE-RAS#  
(CBR) REFRESH in cꢀnventiꢀnal DRAMs. This cꢀmmand is  
nꢀnpersistent, sꢀ it mꢁst be issꢁed each time a refresh is  
The addressing is generated by the internal refresh  
cꢀntrꢀller. This makes the address bits “Dꢀn’t Care” dꢁring  
an AUTO REFRESH cꢀmmand. Each DDR SDRAM reqꢁires  
AUTO REFRESH cycles at an average interval ꢀf 7.8125µs  
Tꢀ allꢀo fꢀr imprꢀved efficiency in schedꢁling and soitching  
betoeen tasks, sꢀme flexibility in the absꢀlꢁte refresh interval  
is prꢀvided. Amaximꢁm ꢀf eightAUTO REFRESH cꢀmmands  
can be pꢀsted tꢀ any given DDR SDRAM, meaning that the  
maximꢁm absꢀlꢁte interval betoeen any AUTO REFRESH  
cꢀmmand and the next AUTO REFRESH cꢀmmand is 9 x  
7.8125µs (70.3µs). This maximꢁm absꢀlꢁte interval is tꢀ  
allꢀo fꢁtꢁre sꢁppꢀrt fꢀr DLL ꢁpdates internal tꢀ the DDR  
SDRAM tꢀ be restricted tꢀ AUTO REFRESH cycles, oithꢀꢁt  
allꢀoing excessive drift in tAC betoeen ꢁpdates.  
Austin Semiconductor, Inc. reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice.  
Rev. 0.1 06/09  