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ATMEGA48PA-AU 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

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内容描述: 8位微控制器与4/8/ 16 / 32K字节的系统内可编程闪存 [8-bit Microcontroller with 4/8/16/32K Bytes In-System Programmable Flash]
分类和应用: 闪存微控制器和处理器外围集成电路时钟
文件页数/大小: 448 页 / 12817 K
 浏览型号ATMEGA48PA-AU的Datasheet PDF文件第289页浏览型号ATMEGA48PA-AU的Datasheet PDF文件第290页浏览型号ATMEGA48PA-AU的Datasheet PDF文件第291页浏览型号ATMEGA48PA-AU的Datasheet PDF文件第292页浏览型号ATMEGA48PA-AU的Datasheet PDF文件第294页浏览型号ATMEGA48PA-AU的Datasheet PDF文件第295页浏览型号ATMEGA48PA-AU的Datasheet PDF文件第296页浏览型号ATMEGA48PA-AU的Datasheet PDF文件第297页  
PGWRT bit will auto-clear upon completion of a Page Write, or if no SPM instruction is executed  
within four clock cycles. The CPU is halted during the entire Page Write operation if the NRWW  
section is addressed.  
• Bit 1 – PGERS: Page Erase  
If this bit is written to one at the same time as SELFPRGEN, the next SPM instruction within four  
clock cycles executes Page Erase. The page address is taken from the high part of the Z-  
pointer. The data in R1 and R0 are ignored. The PGERS bit will auto-clear upon completion of a  
Page Erase, or if no SPM instruction is executed within four clock cycles. The CPU is halted dur-  
ing the entire Page Write operation if the NRWW section is addressed.  
• Bit 0 – SELFPRGEN: Self Programming Enable  
This bit enables the SPM instruction for the next four clock cycles. If written to one together with  
either RWWSRE, BLBSET, PGWRT or PGERS, the following SPM instruction will have a spe-  
cial meaning, see description above. If only SELFPRGEN is written, the following SPM  
instruction will store the value in R1:R0 in the temporary page buffer addressed by the Z-pointer.  
The LSB of the Z-pointer is ignored. The SELFPRGEN bit will auto-clear upon completion of an  
SPM instruction, or if no SPM instruction is executed within four clock cycles. During Page Erase  
and Page Write, the SELFPRGEN bit remains high until the operation is completed.  
Writing any other combination than “10001”, “01001”, “00101”, “00011” or “00001” in the lower  
five bits will have no effect.  