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ATMEGA16U2-MUR 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

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内容描述: 8位微控制器具有ISP功能的Flash 8/16 / 32K Butes [8-bit Microcontroller with 8/16/32K Butes of ISP Flash]
分类和应用: 微控制器异步传输模式PCATM
文件页数/大小: 310 页 / 4432 K
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transmitter controls the transfer clock. The data written to UDRn is moved from the transmit buf-  
fer to the shift register when the shift register is ready to send a new frame.  
To keep the input buffer in sync with the number of data bytes transmitted, the UDRn register must  
be read once for each byte transmitted. The input buffer operation is identical to normal USART  
mode, i.e. if an overflow occurs the character last received will be lost, not the first data in the buf-  
fer. This means that if four bytes are transferred, byte 1 first, then byte 2, 3, and 4, and the UDRn  
is not read before all transfers are completed, then byte 3 to be received will be lost, and not byte  
The following code examples show a simple USART in MSPIM mode transfer function based on  
polling of the Data Register Empty (UDREn) Flag and the Receive Complete (RXCn) Flag. The  
USART has to be initialized before the function can be used. For the assembly code, the data to  
be sent is assumed to be stored in Register R16 and the data received will be available in the  
same register (R16) after the function returns.  
The function simply waits for the transmit buffer to be empty by checking the UDREn Flag,  
before loading it with new data to be transmitted. The function then waits for data to be present  
in the receive buffer by checking the RXCn Flag, before reading the buffer and returning the  
Assembly Code Example(1)  
; Wait for empty transmit buffer  
sbis UCSRnA, UDREn  
rjmp USART_MSPIM_Transfer  
; Put data (r16) into buffer, sends the data  
out UDRn,r16  
; Wait for data to be received  
sbis UCSRnA, RXCn  
rjmp USART_MSPIM_Wait_RXCn  
; Get and return received data from buffer  
in r16, UDRn  
C Code Example(1)  
unsigned char USART_Receive( void )  
/* Wait for empty transmit buffer */  
while ( !( UCSRnA & (1<<UDREn)) );  
/* Put data into buffer, sends the data */  
UDRn = data;  
/* Wait for data to be received */  
while ( !(UCSRnA & (1<<RXCn)) );  
/* Get and return received data from buffer */  
return UDRn;  
1. See “Code Examples” on page 6.  