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90USB82-16MU 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: 90USB82-16MU
PDF下载: 下载PDF文件 查看货源
内容描述: 8位微控制器具有ISP功能的Flash 8 / 16K字节 [8-bit Microcontroller with 8/16K Bytes of ISP Flash]
分类和应用: 微控制器和处理器外围集成电路异步传输模式ATM时钟
文件页数/大小: 306 页 / 2299 K
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• Bit 7-4 - Reserved bits  
These bits are reserved and will always read as zero.  
• Bit 3 - WDEWIF: Watchdog Early Warning Interrupt Flag  
This bit is set when a first time-out occurs in the Watchdog Timer and if the WDEWIE bit is  
enabled. WDEWIF is automatically cleared by hardware when executing the corresponding  
interrupt handling vector. Alternatively, WDIF can be cleared by writing a logic one to the flag.  
When the I-bit in SREG and WDEWIE are set, the Watchdog Time-out Interrupt is executed.  
• Bit 2 - WDEWIE: Watchdog Early Warning Interrupt Enable  
When this bit has been set by software, an interrupt will be generated on the watchdog interrupt  
vector when the Early warning flag is set to one by hardware.  
• Bit 1:0 - WCLKD[1:0]: Watchdog Timer Clock Divider  
– WCLKD = 0 : ClkWDT = Clk128k  
– WCLKD = 1 : ClkWDT = Clk128k / 3  
– WCLKD = 2 : ClkWDT = Clk128k / 5  
– WCLKD = 3 : ClkWDT = Clk128k / 7  