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APA2068KAI-TR 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: APA2068KAI-TR
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内容描述: 2.6W立体声音频功率放大器(带DC_Volume控制) [Stereo 2.6W Audio Power Amplifier (with DC_Volume Control)]
分类和应用: 商用集成电路放大器功率放大器光电二极管
文件页数/大小: 27 页 / 492 K
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Application Descriptions (Cont.)  
long leadlengthbetweentheamplifier andthespeaker.  
Effective Bypass Capacitor, Cbypass (Cont.)  
The optimum decoupling is achieved by using two  
different typecapacitors that target on different type of  
noise on the power supply leads.  
Cbypass x 125kW  
100kW x Ci  
The bypass capacitor isfed thru from a 125kW resistor  
For higher frequency transients, spikes, or digital hash  
inside the amplifier and the 100kW is maximum input on the line, a good low equivalent-series-resistance  
resistance of (Ri+ Rf). Bypass capacitor, Cb, values of  
3.3mF to 10mF ceramic or tantalum low-ESR capacitors close as possible to the device VDD lead works best.  
(ESR) ceramic capacitor, typically 0.1mF placed as  
are recommended for the best THD and noise  
For filtering lower-frequency noise signals, a large  
aluminum electrolytic capacitor of 10mF or greater  
placednear theaudiopoweramplifier isrecommended.  
The bypass capacitance also effects to the start up  
time. It is determined in the following equation :  
Optimizing Depop Circuitry  
Tstart up = 5 x (Cbypass x 125KW)  
Circuitry hasbeen includedin theAPA2068to minimize  
the amount of popping noise at power-up and when  
coming out of shutdown mode. Popping occurs  
whenever a voltage step is applied to the speaker. In  
order to eliminate clicksand pops, all capacitors must  
be fully discharged before turn-on. Rapid on/off  
switching of the device or the shutdown function will  
cause the click and pop circuitry.  
Output Coupling Capacitor, Cc  
In the typical single-supply SE configuration, an  
output coupling capacitor (Cc) is required to block the  
DC bias at the output of the amplifier thus preventing  
DC currents in the load. As with the input coupling  
capacitor, the output coupling capacitor andimpedance  
of theloadform ahigh-passfiltergovernedbyequation.  
The value of Ci will also affect turn-on pops (Refer to  
Effective Bypass Capacitance). The bypass voltage  
For example, a 330mF capacitor with an 8W speaker ramp up should be slower than input bias voltage.  
would attenuate low frequencies below 60.6Hz. The  
main disadvantage, from aperformance standpoint, is modified, the size of Cbypass can be changed to alter  
the load impedance is typically small, which drives  
the low-frequency corner higher degrading the bass pops. By increasing the value of Cbypass, turn-on pop  
Although the bypass pin current source cannot be  
the device turn-on time and the amount of clicks and  
response. Large values of CC are required to passlow  
frequencies into the load.  
canbereduced. However, thetradeoff for usingalarger  
bypass capacitor is to increase the turn-on time for  
this device. There is a linear relationship between the  
size of Cbypass and the turn-on time. In a SE  
configuration, the output coupling capacitor, CC, is of  
particular concern.  
Power Supply Decoupling, Cs  
The APA2068 is a high-performance CMOS audio  
amplifier that requires adequate power supply  
decoupling to ensure the output total harmonic  
distortion (THD) is as low as possible. Power supply  
decoupling also prevents the oscillations causing by  
This capacitor discharges through the internal 10kW  
resistors. Depending on the size of CC, the time  
Copyright ã ANPEC Electronics Corp.  
Rev. A.2 - Jul., 2005  