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A2530E24A 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: A2530E24A
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内容描述: AIR BoosterPack USERA ????手册 [AIR BoosterPack User’s Manual]
文件页数/大小: 45 页 / 3561 K
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AIR BoosterPack – User’s Manual  
Release Date 11/2/12  
2.5. Using the Demo Application  
The “Simple Application” demo is an example sensor network that passes measured data from  
the Router(s) and/or End Point(s) to the Coordinator.  
All nodes configured as a Router periodically (about every 1.5 seconds) read the onboard IR  
Temperature sensor and transmit the value to the Coordinator. To change the sensor readings,  
simply place a warm (e.g. palm of your hand) or cold (e.g. soda can) object a few inches from  
the sensor. There is no need to have physical contact between the sensor and the object.  
Similarly, all nodes configured as an End Point periodically (about every 3 seconds) read the  
onboard RGB Light sensor and transmit the value to the Coordinator. To change the sensor  
readings, shine a different color light at the sensor.  
After applying power to the nodes they should start communicating within a minute. When  
communicating, each node blinks an LED.  
Coordinator flashes red LED D1  
Router RGB LED normally green, flashes blue  
End Point RGB LED normally OFF, flashes blue  
The Coordinator displays the received data from the Router(s) and End Point(s) in two ways.  
1) The data is sent out the UART. All messages received are displayed with details of the  
data transfer in addition to the actual measurements. The information may be viewed on  
a terminal emulator connected to the LaunchPad USB Virtual COM port. The port must  
be configured as 9600,8,N,1 for MSP430 and 115200,8,N,1 for Stellaris.  
2) The measurements are displayed graphically via the onboard RGB LED (BoosterPack  
LED for MSP430, LaunchPad LED for Stellaris).  
a. Router IR Temperature values are displayed as follows:  
Blue = Cold  
Green = Warm (room)  
Red = Hot  
To select this mode, press the S2 pushbutton (SW1 on the Stellaris LaunchPad)  
one time on the Coordinator. Red LED D8 should be OFF and yellow LED D9  
should be ON.  
b. The color of light detected by the EndPoint RGB Light Sensor is displayed. To  
select this mode, press the S2 pushbutton (SW1 on the Stellaris LaunchPad) a  
second time on the Coordinator. Red LED D8 should be ON and yellow LED D9  
should be OFF.  
2.6. AIR A2530 Wiki  
Please visit the AIR A2530 Wiki (http://www.anaren.com/air-wiki-zigbee) on the Anaren website  
for details regarding the example applications, Module Interface Specification (i.e. API), and  
general Zigbee® information.  