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A2530E24A 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: A2530E24A
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内容描述: AIR BoosterPack USERA ????手册 [AIR BoosterPack User’s Manual]
文件页数/大小: 45 页 / 3561 K
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AIR BoosterPack – User’s Manual  
Page 19 of 45  
Release Date 11/2/12  
2.4. IMPORTANT: Required Radio Setup  
The AIR BoosterPack must be operated in accordance with local regulations. The firmware  
preloaded in the MSP430G2553 devices provided with the AIR BoosterPack kit (or loaded into  
the Stellaris devices as described in section 2.3) offers two radio operation options; FCC/IC for  
use in US/Canada (default) and ETSI for use in Europe. If your location is not covered by either  
FCC/IC or ETSI then you must check local regulatory codes for how to obtain permission to  
operate the modules prior to using them.  
If covered under ETSI regulations, you must first change S4-1 to the OFF position as shown in  
Figure 10.  
Figure 10 BoosterPack Configured For Use in Europe (ETSI)  