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AAT1230ITP-1-T1 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: AAT1230ITP-1-T1
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内容描述: 18V 100毫安升压转换器 [18V 100mA Step-Up Converter]
分类和应用: 转换器稳压器开关式稳压器或控制器电源电路开关式控制器升压转换器
文件页数/大小: 21 页 / 533 K
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18V 100mA Step-Up Converter  
grammed current source connected to the output  
capacitor and load resistor. There is no right-half  
plane zero, and loop stability is achieved with no  
additional compensation components.  
S2Cwire functionality is enabled by pulling the SEL  
pin low and providing S2Cwire digital clock input to  
the EN/SET pin. Table 2 details the FB2 reference  
voltage versus S2Cwire rising clock edges.  
Increased load current results in a drop in the out-  
put feedback voltage (FB1 or FB2) sensed through  
the feedback resistors (R1, R2, R3). The controller  
responds by increasing the peak inductor current,  
resulting in higher average current in the inductor.  
Alternatively, decreased output load results in an  
increase in the output feedback voltage (FB1 or  
FB2 pin). The controller responds by decreasing  
the peak inductor current, resulting in lower aver-  
age current in the inductor.  
Soft Start / Enable  
The input disconnect switch is activated when a  
valid input voltage is present and the EN/SET pin  
is pulled high. The slew rate control on the P-chan-  
nel MOSFET ensures minimal inrush current as  
the output voltage is charged to the input voltage,  
prior to switching of the N-channel power MOS-  
FET. Monotonic turn-on is guaranteed by the built-  
in soft-start circuitry. Soft-start eliminates output  
voltage overshoot across the full input voltage  
range and all loading conditions.  
At light load, the inductor OFF interval current goes  
below zero and the boost converter enters discon-  
tinuous mode operation. Further reduction in the  
load results in a corresponding reduction in the  
switching frequency. The AAT1230/1230-1 provide  
pulsed frequency operation which reduces switching  
losses and maintains high efficiency at light loads.  
Fast and slow start-up time options are available.  
The AAT1230 provides start-up to regulated output  
voltage within 0.35ms of a low-to-high transition on  
the EN/SET pin. Alternatively, the AAT1230-1 pro-  
vides start-up to regulated output voltage within  
3.5ms of a low-to-high transition on the EN/SET  
pin, which dramatically reduces inrush current. A  
longer soft-start, or turn-on, time is a preferred fea-  
ture in battery-powered systems that exhibit higher  
source impedances.  
Operating frequency varies with changes in the  
input voltage, output voltage, and inductor size.  
Once the boost converter has reached continuous  
mode, further increases in the output load will not  
significantly change the operating frequency.  
small 2.2µH (±20%) inductor is selected to maintain  
high frequency switching (up to 2MHz) and high  
efficiency operation for outputs from 10V to 18V.  
Current Limit and Over-Temperature  
The switching of the N-channel MOSFET termi-  
nates when current limit of 3.0A (typical) is exceed-  
ed. This minimizes power dissipation and compo-  
nent stresses under overload and short-circuit con-  
ditions. Switching resumes when the current  
decays below the current limit.  
Output Voltage Programming  
The output voltage may be programmed through a  
resistor divider network located from output capaci-  
tor to FB1/FB2 pins to ground. Pulling the SEL pin  
high activates the FB1 pin which maintains a 1.2V  
reference voltage, while the FB2 reference is dis-  
abled. Pulling the SEL pin low activates the FB2 pin  
which maintains a 0.6V reference, while the FB1  
reference is disabled. This function allows dynam-  
ic selection between two distinct output voltages  
across a 2X range (maximum). An additional resis-  
tor between FB1 and FB2 allows the designer to  
program the outputs across a reduced <2X range.  
Thermal protection disables the AAT1230/1230-1  
when internal dissipation becomes excessive.  
Thermal protection disables both MOSFETs. The  
junction over-temperature threshold is 140°C with  
-15°C of temperature hysteresis. The output voltage  
automatically recovers when the over-temperature  
or over-current fault condition is removed.  
Under-Voltage Lockout  
Alternatively, the output voltage may be dynamical-  
ly programmed to any of 16 voltage levels using the  
S2Cwire serial digital input. The single wire S2Cwire  
interface provides high-speed output voltage pro-  
grammability across a 2X output voltage range.  
Internal bias of all circuits is controlled via the VIN  
input. Under-voltage lockout (UVLO) guarantees  
sufficient VIN bias and proper operation of all inter-  
nal circuitry prior to soft start.  