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AM79C978KC/W 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: AM79C978KC/W
PDF下载: 下载PDF文件 查看货源
内容描述: 单芯片1/10 Mbps的PCI家庭网络控制器 [Single-Chip 1/10 Mbps PCI Home Networking Controller]
分类和应用: 控制器PC
文件页数/大小: 261 页 / 3499 K
品牌: AMD [ AMD ]
 浏览型号AM79C978KC/W的Datasheet PDF文件第144页浏览型号AM79C978KC/W的Datasheet PDF文件第145页浏览型号AM79C978KC/W的Datasheet PDF文件第146页浏览型号AM79C978KC/W的Datasheet PDF文件第147页浏览型号AM79C978KC/W的Datasheet PDF文件第149页浏览型号AM79C978KC/W的Datasheet PDF文件第150页浏览型号AM79C978KC/W的Datasheet PDF文件第151页浏览型号AM79C978KC/W的Datasheet PDF文件第152页  
be driven to a LOW level whenev-  
er the OR of the enabled signals  
is true, and the LED pin will be  
disabled and allowed to float high  
whenever the OR of the enabled  
signals is false (i.e., the LED out-  
put will be an Open Drain output  
and the output value will be the  
inverse of the LEDOUT status  
11-10 RES  
Reserved locations. Written and  
read as zeros.  
Magic Packet Status Enable.  
When this bit is set to 1, a value of  
1 is passed to the LEDOUT bit in  
this register when Magic Packet  
frame mode is enabled and a  
Magic Packet frame is detected  
on the network.  
This bit is always read/write ac-  
cessible. MPSE is cleared by  
H_RESET and is not affected by  
S_RESET or setting the STOP  
When this bit has the value 1,  
then the LED pin will be driven to  
a HIGH level whenever the OR of  
the enabled signals is true, and  
the LED pin will be driven to a  
LOW level whenever the OR of  
the enabled signals is false (i.e.,  
the LED output will be a Totem  
Pole output and the output value  
will be the same polarity as the  
LEDOUT status bit.).  
Full-Duplex Link Status Enable.  
Indicates the Full-Duplex Link  
Test Status. When this bit is set,  
a value of 1 is passed to the LED-  
OUT signal when the Am79C978  
controller is functioning in a Link  
Pass state and full-duplex opera-  
tion is enabled. When the  
Am79C978 controller is not func-  
tioning in a Link Pass state with  
full-duplex operation being en-  
abled, a value of 0 is passed to  
the LEDOUT signal.  
The setting of this bit will not ef-  
fect the polarity of the LEDOUT  
bit for this register.  
This bit is always read/write ac-  
cessible. LEDPOL is cleared by  
H_RESET and is not affected by  
S_RESET or setting the STOP  
This bit is always read/write ac-  
cessible. FDLSE is cleared by  
H_RESET and is not affected by  
S_RESET or setting the STOP  
LED Disable. This bit is used to  
disable the LED output. When  
LEDDIS has the value 1, then the  
LED output will always be dis-  
abled. When LEDDIS has the val-  
ue 0, then the LED output value  
will be governed by the LEDOUT  
and LEDPOL values.  
Pulse Stretcher Enable. When  
this bit is set, the LED illumination  
time is extended for each new oc-  
currence of the enabled function  
for this LED output. A value of 0  
disables the pulse stretcher.  
This bit is always read/write ac-  
cessible. LEDDIS is cleared by  
H_RESET and is not affected by  
S_RESET or setting the STOP  
This bit is always read/write ac-  
cessible. PSE is set to 1 by  
H_RESET and is not affected by  
S_RESET or setting the STOP  
100 Mbps Enable. When this bit  
is set to 1, a value of 1 is passed  
to the LEDOUT bit in this register  
when the Am79C978 controller is  
operating at 100 Mbps mode.  
Link Status Enable. When this bit  
is set, a value of 1 will be passed  
to the LEDOUT bit in this register  
when in Link Pass state.  
This bit is always read/write ac-  
cessible. 100E is cleared by  
H_RESET and is not affected by  
S_RESET or setting the STOP  
This bit is always read/write ac-  
cessible. LNKSE is set to 1 by  
H_RESET and is not affected by  