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AM188EMLV-33KC/W 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: AM188EMLV-33KC/W
PDF下载: 下载PDF文件 查看货源
内容描述: 高性能, 80C186- / 80C188兼容和80L186- / 80L188兼容的16位嵌入式微控制器 [High Performance, 80C186-/80C188-Compatible and 80L186-/80L188-Compatible, 16-Bit Embedded Microcontrollers]
分类和应用: 微控制器
文件页数/大小: 98 页 / 1582 K
品牌: AMD [ AMD ]
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P R E L I M I N A R Y  
Interrupt requests are synchronized internally, and can  
be edge-triggered or level-triggered. To guarantee in-  
terrupt recognition, the requesting device must con-  
tinue asserting INT3 until the request is acknowledged.  
INT3 becomes INTA1 when INT1 is configured in cas-  
cade mode.  
Midrange Memory Chip Select 3  
(output, synchronous, internal pullup)  
Automatic Refresh (output, synchronous)  
MCS3—This pin indicates to the system that a memory  
access is in progress to the fourth region of the  
midrange memory block. The base address and size of  
the midrange memory block are programmable. MCS3  
is held High during a bus hold condition. In addition,  
this pin has a weak internal pullup resistor that is active  
during reset.  
INTA1—When the microcontroller interrupt control unit  
is operating in cascade mode or special fully-nested  
mode, this pin indicates to the system that the micro-  
controller needs an interrupt type to process the inter-  
rupt request on INT1. In both modes, the peripheral  
issuing the interrupt request must provide the micro-  
controller with the corresponding interrupt type.  
RFSH—This pin provides a signal timed for auto re-  
fresh to PSRAM devices. It is only enabled to function  
as a refresh pulse when the PSRAM mode bit is set in  
the LMCS Register. An active Low pulse is generated  
for 1.5 clock cycles with an adequate deassertion pe-  
riod to ensure that overall auto refresh cycle time is  
met. This pin is not three-stated during a bus hold condi-  
IRQ—When the microcontroller interrupt control unit is  
operating as a slave to an external master interrupt  
controller, this pin lets the microcontroller issue an in-  
terrupt request to the external master interrupt control-  
(MCS2/PIO24, MCS1/PIO15, MCS0/PIO14)  
Maskable Interrupt Request 4 (input,  
This pin indicates to the microcontroller that an inter-  
rupt request has occurred. If the INT4 pin is not  
masked, the microcontroller then transfers program ex-  
ecution to the location specified by the INT4 vector in  
the microcontroller interrupt vector table.  
Midrange Memory Chip Selects (output,  
synchronous, internal pullup)  
These pins indicate to the system that a memory ac-  
cess is in progress to the corresponding region of the  
midrange memory block. The base address and size of  
the midrange memory block are programmable.  
MCS2–MCS0 are held High during a bus hold condi-  
tion. In addition, they have weak internal pullup resis-  
tors that are active during reset.  
Interrupt requests are synchronized internally, and can  
be edge-triggered or level-triggered. To guarantee in-  
terrupt recognition, the requesting device must con-  
tinue asserting INT4 until the request is acknowledged.  
Nonmaskable Interrupt (input, synchronous, edge-  
Lower Memory Chip Select (output, synchronous,  
internal pullup)  
ONCE Mode Request 0 (input)  
This pin indicates to the microcontroller that an inter-  
rupt request has occurred. The NMI signal is the high-  
est priority hardware interrupt and, unlike the INT4–  
INT0 pins, cannot be masked. The microcontroller al-  
ways transfers program execution to the location spec-  
ified by the nonmaskable interrupt vector in the  
microcontroller interrupt vector table when NMI is as-  
LCS—This pin indicates to the system that a memory  
access is in progress to the lower memory block. The  
base address and size of the lower memory block are  
programmable up to 512 Kbytes. LCS is held High dur-  
ing a bus hold condition.  
ONCE0—During reset this pin and ONCE1 indicate to  
the microcontroller the mode in which it should operate.  
ONCE0 and ONCE1 are sampled on the rising edge of  
RES. If both pins are asserted Low, the microcontroller  
enters ONCE mode; otherwise, it operates normally.  
Although NMI is the highest priority interrupt source, it  
does not participate in the priority resolution process of  
the maskable interrupts. There is no bit associated with  
NMI in the interrupt in-service or interrupt request reg-  
isters. This means that a new NMI request can interrupt  
an executing NMI interrupt service routine. As with all  
hardware interrupts, the IF (interrupt flag) is cleared  
when the processor takes the interrupt, disabling the  
maskable interrupt sources. However, if maskable in-  
terrupts are re-enabled by software in the NMI interrupt  
service routine, via the STI instruction for example, the  
fact that an NMI is currently in service will not have any  
In ONCE mode, all pins assume a high-impedance  
state and remain in that state until a subsequent reset  
occurs. To guarantee that the microcontroller does not  
inadvertently enter ONCE mode, ONCE0 has a weak in-  
ternal pullup resistor that is active only during reset. This  
pin is not three-stated during a bus hold condition.  
Am186/188EM and Am186/188EMLV Microcontrollers  