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AM188EMLV-33KC/W 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: AM188EMLV-33KC/W
PDF下载: 下载PDF文件 查看货源
内容描述: 高性能, 80C186- / 80C188兼容和80L186- / 80L188兼容的16位嵌入式微控制器 [High Performance, 80C186-/80C188-Compatible and 80L186-/80L188-Compatible, 16-Bit Embedded Microcontrollers]
分类和应用: 微控制器
文件页数/大小: 98 页 / 1582 K
品牌: AMD [ AMD ]
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P R E L I M I N A R Y  
Maskable Interrupt Request 1 (input,  
Slave Select (input, asynchronous)  
The ground pins connect the system ground to the mi-  
INT1—This pin indicates to the microcontroller that an  
interrupt request has occurred. If INT1 is not masked,  
the microcontroller transfers program execution to the  
location specified by the INT1 vector in the microcon-  
troller interrupt vector table.  
Bus Hold Acknowledge (output, synchronous)  
This pin is asserted High to indicate to an external bus  
master that the microcontroller has released control of  
the local bus. When an external bus master requests  
control of the local bus (by asserting HOLD), the micro-  
controller completes the bus cycle in progress and then  
relinquishes control of the bus to the external bus mas-  
ter by asserting HLDA and floating DEN, RD, WR, S2–  
S0, AD15–AD0, S6, A19–A0, BHE, WHB, WLB, and  
DT/R, and then driving the chip selects UCS, LCS,  
MCS3–MCS0, PCS6–PCS5, and PCS3–PCS0 High.  
Interrupt requests are synchronized internally and can  
be edge-triggered or level-triggered. To guarantee in-  
terrupt recognition, the requesting device must con-  
tinue asserting INT1 until the request is acknowledged.  
SELECT—When the microcontroller interrupt control  
unit is operating as a slave to an external interrupt con-  
troller, this pin indicates to the microcontroller that an  
interrupt type appears on the address and data bus.  
The INT0 pin must indicate to the microcontroller that  
an interrupt has occurred before the SELECT pin indi-  
cates to the microcontroller that the interrupt type ap-  
pears on the bus.  
When the external bus master has finished using the  
local bus, it indicates this to the microcontroller by  
deasserting HOLD. The microcontroller responds by  
deasserting HLDA.  
If the microcontroller requires access to the bus (i.e. for  
refresh), it will deassert HLDA before the external bus  
master deasserts HOLD. The external bus master  
must be able to deassert HOLD and allow the micro-  
controller access to the bus. See the timing diagrams  
for bus hold on page 92.  
Maskable Interrupt Request 2 (input,  
Interrupt Acknowledge 0 (output, synchronous)  
INT2—This pin indicates to the microcontroller that an  
interrupt request has occurred. If the INT2 pin is not  
masked, the microcontroller transfers program execu-  
tion to the location specified by the INT2 vector in the  
microcontroller interrupt vector table.  
Bus Hold Request (input, synchronous,  
This pin indicates to the microcontroller that an external  
bus master needs control of the local bus.  
Interrupt requests are synchronized internally and can  
be edge-triggered or level-triggered. To guarantee in-  
terrupt recognition, the requesting device must con-  
tinue asserting INT2 until the request is acknowledged.  
INT2 becomes INTA0 when INT0 is configured in cas-  
cade mode.  
The Am186EM and Am188EM microcontrollers’ HOLD  
latency time is a function of the activity occurring in the  
processor when the HOLD request is received. A  
DRAM request will delay a HOLD request when both  
requests are made at the same time. In addition, if  
locked transfers are performed, the HOLD latency time  
is increased by the length of the locked transfer.  
INTA0—When the microcontroller interrupt control unit  
is operating in cascade mode, this pin indicates to the  
system that the microcontroller needs an interrupt type  
to process the interrupt request on INT0. The periph-  
eral issuing the interrupt request must provide the mi-  
crocontroller with the corresponding interrupt type.  
For more information, see the HLDA pin description.  
Maskable Interrupt Request 0 (input,  
Maskable Interrupt Request 3  
(input, asynchronous)  
Interrupt Acknowledge 1 (output, synchronous)  
Slave Interrupt Request (output, synchronous)  
This pin indicates to the microcontroller that an inter-  
rupt request has occurred. If the INT0 pin is not  
masked, the microcontroller transfers program execu-  
tion to the location specified by the INT0 vector in the  
microcontroller interrupt vector table.  
INT3—This pin indicates to the microcontroller that an  
interrupt request has occurred. If the INT3 pin is not  
masked, the microcontroller then transfers program ex-  
ecution to the location specified by the INT3 vector in  
the microcontroller interrupt vector table.  
Interrupt requests are synchronized internally and can  
be edge-triggered or level-triggered. To guarantee in-  
terrupt recognition, the requesting device must con-  
tinue asserting INT0 until the request is acknowledged.  
Am186/188EM and Am186/188EMLV Microcontrollers  