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AM186EDLV-20KC/W 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: AM186EDLV-20KC/W
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内容描述: 高性能, 80C186-和80C188兼容的16位嵌入式微控制器 [High Performance, 80C186- and 80C188-Compatible, 16-Bit Embedded Microcontrollers]
分类和应用: 微控制器
文件页数/大小: 88 页 / 1493 K
品牌: AMD [ AMD ]
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P R E L I M I N A R Y  
The industry-standard 80C186 and 80C188 microcon-  
trollers use a multiplexed address and data (AD) bus.  
The address is present on the AD bus only during the  
t1 clock phase. The Am186ED/EDLV microcontrollers  
continue to provide the multiplexed AD bus and, in ad-  
dition, provides a nonmultiplexed address (A) bus. The  
A bus provides an address to the system for the com-  
plete bus cycle (t1–t4).  
for all accesses, thus preserving the industry-standard  
80C186 and 80C188 microcontrollers’ multiplexed ad-  
dress bus and providing support for existing emulation  
The following diagrams show the bus cycles of the  
Am186ED/EDLV microcontrollers when the address  
bus disable feature is in effect:  
Figure 4 shows the affected signals during a normal  
read or write operation for 16-bit mode. The address  
and data are multiplexed onto the AD bus.  
For systems where power consumption is a concern, it  
is possible to disable the address from being driven on  
the AD bus during the normal address portion of the  
bus cycle for accesses to RAS0, RAS1, UCS, and/or  
LCS address spaces. In this mode, the affected bus is  
placed in a high-impedance state during the address  
portion of the bus cycle. This feature is enabled  
through the DA bits in the UMCS and LMCS registers.  
When address disable is in effect, the number of sig-  
nals that assert on the bus during all normal bus cycles  
to the associated address space is reduced, decreas-  
ing power consumption and reducing processor switch-  
ing noise. In 8-bit mode, the address is driven on  
AD15–AD8 during the data portion of the bus cycle re-  
gardless of the setting of the DA bits.  
Figure 5 shows a 16-bit mode bus cycle when address  
bus disable is in effect. This results in the AD bus oper-  
ating in a nonmultiplexed address/data mode. The A  
bus has the address during a read or write operation.  
Figure 6 shows the affected signals during a normal  
read or write operation for 8-bit mode. The multiplexed  
address/data mode is compatible with the 80C186 and  
80C188 microcontrollers and might be used to take ad-  
vantage of existing logic or peripherals.  
Figure 7 shows an 8-bit mode bus cycle when address  
bus disable is in effect. The address and data are not  
multiplexed. The AD7–AD0 signals have only data on  
the bus, while the AD bus has the address during a  
read or write operation.  
If the ADEN pin is pulled Low during processor reset,  
the value of the DA bits in the UMCS and LMCS regis-  
ters is ignored and the address is driven on the AD bus  
LCS or UCS  
MCSx, PCSx  
Note: For a detailed description of DRAM control signals, see DRAM switching characteristics  
beginning on page 70.  
Figure 4. 16-Bit Mode—Normal Read and Write Operation  
Am186ED/EDLV Microcontrollers  