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5962-9052701MXA 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: 5962-9052701MXA
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内容描述: TAXIchip集成电路(透明异步Xmitter ,接收器接口) [TAXIchip Integrated Circuits(Transparent Asynchronous Xmitter-Receiver Interface)]
分类和应用: 驱动器接口集成电路
文件页数/大小: 127 页 / 704 K
品牌: AMD [ AMD ]
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3 .2 Vio la t io n Lo g ic  
The TAXI Receiver logic has been designed to detect the most common types of  
transmission errors. It detects these errors by completely decoding the incoming data  
patterns, and recognizes the following types of VIOLATIONS:  
1. Illegal, reserved or unused data patterns (pure Violations).  
2. Unused COMMAND combinations.  
3. COMMAND in Upper half and DATA in Lower half pattern.  
4. DATA in Upper half and COMMAND in Lower half pattern.  
Type 1 and 2 VIOLATIONS are decoded and interpreted as either DATA or COMMAND  
outputs with the appropriate STRB output. Type 3 & 4 VIOLATIONS are decoded as  
COMMAND outputs with a CSTROBE output (even though one half would have been  
transformed DATA/COMMAND or COMMAND/DATA by an error), since there is no  
information available to the TAXI Receiver to indicate where the error lies. The user  
needs to be aware of this possible transposition (possible with all four types of VIOLA-  
TION), since the system must account for it. VIOLATION will always be the flag for  
these detectable errors.  
This method of detection is not 100% effective. As Appendix B shows, it will detect  
approximately 50% of the possible double bit errors in Data. Double bit errors in  
Command will be detected 99.8% of the time or more, depending upon the pattern  
width. Appendix B contains a more detailed treatment of the efficiency of the violation  
logic for the various data bit modes.  
The method of detecting violations, is effective enough to be used to give an early  
warning of transmission problems before the host’s error detection system would detect  
the errors. It should not be used alone in fault sensitive systems, since it misses a  
significant number of transmission errors which cause one valid DATA pattern to alias to  
3 .3 TAXI P LL Ch a ra c t e ris t ic s  
The Phase Locked Loop in the TAXI Receiver is used to recover the data encoded in  
the serial bit stream sent by the TAXI Transmitter. In order to ensure accurate data  
recovery, the Receiver PLL must lock on to the underlying code rate of the Transmitter,  
and must track minor changes in frequency and phase while rejecting noise superim-  
posed on the bit stream. This noise includes both amplitude and phase/frequency  
disturbances. Amplitude variations are dealt with in the Receiver’s input amplifier  
(SERIN+/-), and are not passed through to the PLL, except for phase effects.  
Phase/frequency noise, or jitter, can come from many sources, and can have many  
different characteristics. Jitter can be introduced by the Transmitter, the Receiver, the  
media interface or by the media itself. Examples of media induced jitter include reflec-  
tions and edge perturbations caused by improper line termination, pulse width spreading  
due to frequency dependent cable attenuation, and pulse dispersion caused by fiber  
optic cable effects. Examples of media interface jitter include low light effects in optical  
receivers and pulse width distortion caused by baseline shift (changing DC offset) in AC  
coupled amplifiers.  
The TAXI PLL has been optimized to allow correct data recovery in the presence of the  
largest jitter possible. To this end, the PLL parameters, most notably loop bandwidth,  
have been chosen to enhance the jitter tolerance of the TAXI Receiver.  
TAXIchip Integrated Circuits Technical Manual  