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S5920QRC 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: S5920QRC
PDF下载: 下载PDF文件 查看货源
内容描述: [PCI Bus Controller, CMOS, PQFP160, 28 X 28 MM, 3.37 MM HEIGHT, GREEN, PLASTIC, QFP-160]
分类和应用: 时钟数据传输PC外围集成电路
文件页数/大小: 165 页 / 2405 K
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Revision 1.02 – April 12, 2007  
S5920 – PCI Product: Initialization  
Data Book  
When performing a byte-wide RCR access, users  
need to write the command indicating how the data is  
to be used, followed by the data. These commands will  
assert the internal signals LOAD_LOW_ADDR,  
signal is asserted at any time: once one is asserted,  
the others are deasserted.  
5. Write to RCR(23:16) with the high address byte.  
Since signal LOAD_HIGH_ADDR is asserted, the  
NVRAM_HIGH_ADDR. Note that as the nvRAM  
address is limited to 11 bits, only the 3 lsbs of this  
write data is actually used. As long as  
LOAD_HIGH_ADDR is asserted, a write to  
RCR(23:16) will continue to overwrite register  
The final read/write interface to the external nvRAM is  
via the Add-On Reset and Control Register (ARCR).  
This mechanism is identical to that used for the PCI’s  
RCR, except that the Add-On interface is used to  
access the nvRAM via the ARCR. The latency is a bit  
longer as well, due to the synchronization that must be  
performed between the Add-On clock and the PCI  
6. Write to RCR(31:29) = “000”, a dummy command  
to deassert either LOAD_LOW_ADDR or  
LOAD_HIGH_ADDR (whichever occurred last),  
and to assert internal signal LOAD_WR_DATA.  
This signal is used to enable the loading of the  
write data register. LOAD_WR_DATA will remain  
asserted until another command is issued (load  
low/high address, begin read/write). As long as  
LOAD_WR_DATA is asserted, a write to  
RCR(23:16) will continue to overwrite the write  
data register.  
While on-chip arbitration logic allows simultaneous  
accesses to the nvRAM via the PCI’s RCR and Add-  
On’s ARCR (by queuing up the commands), there is  
no logic to prevent each interface from overwriting  
nvRAM contents. If an interface writes to a memory  
location that the other interface has already has writ-  
ten to, the value at that location will be overwritten.  
7. Write to RCR(23:16) the byte to be written. Since  
the signal LOAD_WR_DATA is asserted, the data  
will be written to the write data register.  
What follows are the sequence of steps required to  
access the nvRAM via the RCR. All the scenarios  
assume that the RCR is being controlled via PCI bus  
transactions. By replacing RCR with ARCR in the  
examples below, the operations are identical for an  
Add-On device.  
8. Write to RCR(31:29) = “110”, the command to  
start the nvRAM write operation. This will lead to  
the deassertion of LOAD_WR_DATA and will set  
the busy bit, RCR(31). The nvRAM interface con-  
troller will now initiate a write operation with the  
external nvRAM.  
The following sequence is used to perform nvRAM  
writes when accessing the RCR/ARCR in a byte-  
wide fashion:  
9. Poll the busy bit until it is no longer set. Once  
cleared, it is now safe to perform another write/  
read operation to the external nvRAM. The  
XFER_FAIL flag (bit 28) can be used to deter-  
mine whether the transfer was successful or not.  
If XFER_FAIL is asserted, this indicates that a  
transfer to the nvRAM did not receive an  
ACKNOWLEDGE, and the write transfer should  
not be considered successful. This flag remains  
set until the start of the next read/write operation.  
1. Verify that busy bit, RCR(31), is not set by read-  
ing RCR(31). If set, hold off starting the write  
sequence (repeat step 1 until this bit clears).  
2. Write to RCR(31:29) = “100”, the command to  
load the low address byte. This will assert the  
internal signal LOAD_LOW_ADDR, which is used  
to enable the loading of the low-address register  
The busy bit will remain set until the nvRAM interface  
has completed writing the data byte to the external  
nvRAM, and has verified that the write sequence is fin-  
ished. The nvRAM “shuts down” during a write and will  
not accept any new commands (does not generate an  
ACKNOWLEDGE) until it finishes the write operation.  
The S5920 will continue to send commands to the  
nvRAM until it responds with an ACKNOWLEDGE,  
after which it clears the busy bit, indicating that the  
write operation is truly complete. If the busy bit were to  
be cleared after the nvRAM interface finished the  
write, but before the external nvRAM was actually fin-  
ished, a scenario exists where a successive write  
would be ignored. In this case, the software driver  
3. Write to RCR(23:16) with the low address byte.  
Since signal LOAD_LOW_ADDR is asserted, the  
long as  
LOAD_LOW_ADDR is asserted, a write to  
RCR(23:16) will continue to overwrite register  
4. Write to RCR(31:29) = “101”, the command to  
load the high address byte. This will assert the  
internal signal LOAD_HIGH_ADDR, which is  
used to enable the loading of the high-address  
register (NVRAM_HIGH_ADDR).  
AMCC Confidential and Proprietary  