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S5335QFAAB 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: S5335QFAAB
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内容描述: PCI总线控制器, 3.3V [PCI Bus Controller, 3.3V]
分类和应用: 总线控制器PC
文件页数/大小: 189 页 / 2175 K
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Revision 5.01 – November 30, 2005  
S5335 – PCI Bus Controller, 3.3V  
Data Sheet  
A data phase consists of at least one PCI clock.  
FRAME# is deasserted to indicate that the final data  
phase of a PCI cycle is occurring. Wait states may be  
added to any data phase (each wait state is one PCI  
This section describes the various events which occur  
on the S5335 PCI bus interface. Since the S5335 con-  
troller functions as both a target (slave) and an initiator  
(master), signal timing detail is given for both situa-  
tions this Section presents the signal relationships  
involved in performing basic read or write transfers on  
the PCI bus and also describes the different ways  
these cycles may complete.  
The PCI bus command presented on the C/BE[3:0]#  
pins during the address phase can represent 16 possi-  
ble states. Table 54 lists the PCI commands and  
identifies those which are supported by the S5335  
controller as a target and those which may be pro-  
duced by the S5335 controller as an initiator. A “Yes”  
in the “Supported As Target” column in Table 54 indi-  
cates the S5335 controller asserts the signal  
DEVSEL# when that command is issued along with  
the appropriate PCI address. Two commands are sup-  
ported by the S5335 controller as an initiator: Memory  
Read and Memory Write.  
Because the PCI bus has multiplexed address/data  
pins, AD[31:0], each PCI bus transaction consists of  
two phases: Address and Data. An address phase is  
defined by the clock period when the signal FRAME#  
transitions from inactive (high) to active (low). During  
the address phase, a bus command is also driven by  
the initiator on signal pins C/BE[3:0]#. If the command  
indicates a PCI read, the clock cycle following the  
address phase is used to perform a “bus turn-around”  
cycle. A turn-around cycle is a clock period in which  
the AD bus is not driven by the initiator or the target  
device. This is used to avoid PCI bus contention. For a  
write command, a turn-around cycle is not needed,  
and the bus goes directly from the address phase to  
the data phase.  
The completion or termination of a PCI cycle can be  
signaled in several ways. In most cases, the comple-  
tion of the final data phase is indicated by the  
assertion of ready signals from both the target  
(TRDY#) and initiator (IRDY#) while FRAME# is inac-  
tive. In some cases, the target is not be able to  
continue or support a burst transfer and asserts the  
STOP# signal. This is referred to as a target discon-  
nect. There are also cases where an addressed  
device does not exist, and the signal DEVSEL# never  
becomes active. When no DEVSEL# is asserted in  
response to a PCI cycle, the initiator is responsible for  
ending the cycle. This is referred to as a master abort.  
The bus is returned to the idle phase when both  
FRAME# and IRDY# are deasserted.  
All PCI bus transactions consist of an address phase  
(described above), followed by one or more data  
phases. The address phase is only one PCI clock long  
and the bus cycle information (address and command)  
is latched internally by the S5335. The number of data  
phases depends on how many data transfers are  
desired or are possible with a given initiator-target pair.  
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DS1657 92  