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S5335QF 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: S5335QF
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内容描述: PCI总线控制器, 3.3V [PCI Bus Controller, 3.3V]
分类和应用: 总线控制器PC
文件页数/大小: 189 页 / 2175 K
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Revision 5.01 – November 30, 2005  
S5335 – PCI Bus Controller, 3.3V  
Data Sheet  
Single Cycle Pass-Thru Reads  
within one of its defined Pass-Thru regions, it indicates  
to the Add-On that a write to the Pass-Thru Data Reg-  
ister (APTD) is required.  
A single cycle Pass-Thru read operation occurs when  
a PCI initiator reads a single value from a Pass-Thru  
region. PCI single cycle transfers consists of an  
address phase and a one data phase. During the ad-  
dress phase of the PCI transfer, the S5335 stores the  
PCI address into the Pass-Thru Address Register  
(APTA). If the S5335 determines that the address is  
Figure 85 shows a single cycle Pass-Thru read access  
(Add-On write) using PTADR#. The Add-On reads  
data from a source on the Add-On and writes it to the  
APTD register.  
PCI address information is stored in the S5335 Pass-Thru Address Register. The PCI cycle is recognized as an  
access to Pass-Thru region 1. PTATN# is asserted by the S5335 to indicate a Pass-Thru access is occurring.  
Clock 0:  
Clock 1:  
Pass-Thru status signals indicate what action is required by Add-On logic. Pass-Thru status outputs are valid  
when PTATN# is active and are sampled by the Add-On at the rising edge of clock 1.  
PTBURST# Deasserted. The access has a single data phase. PTNUM[1:0] 01. Indicates the PCI access was  
to Pass-Thru region 1.  
Deasserted. The Pass-Thru access is a read.  
PTBE[3:0]# 0h. Indicate the Pass-Thru access is 32-bits.  
The PTADR# input is asserted to read the Pass-Thru Address Register. The byte enable, address, and SELECT#  
inputs are changed during this clock to select the Pass-Thru Data Register during clock cycle 3.  
This clock is required to avoid contention on the DQ bus. Time must be allowed after PTADR# is deasserted for  
the DQ outputs to float before Add-On logic attempts to write to the Pass-Thru Data Register.  
Clock 2:  
Clock 3:  
SELECT#, byte enables, and the address inputs remain valid to write the Pass-Thru Data Register at offset 2Ch.  
If WR# is asserted at the rising edge of clock 3, data on the DQ bus is latched into APTD.  
If PTRDY# is asserted at the rising edge of clock 3, PTATN# is immediately deasserted and the Pass-Thru  
access is completed at clock 4.  
If Add-On logic requires more time to write the Pass-Thru data register (slower memory or peripherals), PTRDY#  
can be delayed, extending the cycle. PTRDY# asserted at the rising edge of clock 4 causes PTATN# to be imme-  
diately deasserted and the Pass-Thru access is completed at clock 5.  
Clock 4:  
Clock 5:  
PTATN# and PTBURST# deasserted at the rising edge of clock 5 indicates the Pass-Thru access is complete.  
The S5335 can accept new Pass-Thru accesses from the PCI bus at clock 6.  
Pass-Thru Burst Writes  
Figure 86 shows a 6 data phase Pass-Thru burst write  
(Add-On read). In this case, the Add-On asserts  
PTADR# and then reads multiple data phases from the  
S5335. This works well for Add-On logic which sup-  
ports burst cycles. If the Add-On logic does not  
support burst accesses, PTADR# may be pulsed  
before each data phase. The S5335 automatically  
increments the address in the APTA register during  
PCI burst cycles. In this example PTRDY# is always  
asserted, indicating Add-On logic is capable of accept-  
ing data at a rate of one DWORD per clock cycle.  
A Pass-Thru burst write operation occurs when a PCI  
initiator writes multiple values to a Pass-Thru region. A  
PCI burst cycle consists of an address phase and mul-  
tiple data phases. During the address phase of the  
PCI transfer, the S5335 stores the PCI address into  
the Pass-Thru Address Register (APTA). If the S5335  
determines that the address is within one of its defined  
Pass-Thru regions, it captures the PCI data into the  
Pass-Thru Data Register (APTD). After the Add-On  
completes each read from the Pass-Thru data register  
(asserts PTRDY#), the next data phase is initiated.  
AMCC Confidential and Proprietary  
DS1657 147  