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S5335QF 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: S5335QF
PDF下载: 下载PDF文件 查看货源
内容描述: PCI总线控制器, 3.3V [PCI Bus Controller, 3.3V]
分类和应用: 总线控制器PC
文件页数/大小: 189 页 / 2175 K
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Revision 5.01 – November 30, 2005  
S5335 – PCI Bus Controller, 3.3V  
Data Sheet  
When the S5335 sees FRAME# asserted, it samples  
the address and command information to determine if  
the bus transaction is intended for it. If the address is  
within one of the defined Pass-Thru regions, the  
S5335 accepts the transfer (assert DEVSEL#), and  
stores the PCI address in the Pass-Thru Address Reg-  
ister (APTA).  
stored in the APTA register. The Add-On interface  
completes the transfer and asserts PTRDY#. The  
S5335 then drives the requested data on the PCI bus  
and asserts TRDY# to begin the next data phase. The  
APTA register is automatically incremented by the  
S5335 for each data phase.  
PCI Retry Conditions  
For Pass-Thru writes, the S5335 responds immedi-  
ately (asserting TRDY#) and transfers the data from  
the PCI bus into the Pass-Thru Data Register (APTD).  
The S5335 then indicates to the Add-On interface that  
a Pass-Thru write is taking place and waits for Add-On  
logic to read the APTD register and complete the  
transfer (assert PTRDY#). Once the S5335 has cap-  
tured the data from the PCI bus, the transfer is finished  
from the PCI bus perspective, and the PCI bus  
becomes available for other transfers.  
In some applications, Add-On logic may not be able to  
respond to Pass-Thru accesses quickly. In this situa-  
tion, the S5335 disconnects from the PCI bus,  
signaling a retry. This indicates that the initiator should  
try the access again at a later time. This allows other  
PCI cycles to be run while the logic on the slow target  
completes the Pass-Thru access. Ideally, when the ini-  
tiator retries the access, the target has completed the  
access and can respond to the initiator.  
With many devices, particularly memories, the first  
access takes longer than subsequent accesses  
(assuming they are sequential and not random). For  
this reason, the PCI specification allows 16 clocks to  
respond to the first data phase of a PCI cycle and 8  
clocks for subsequent data phases (in the case of a  
burst) before a retry must be requested by the S5335.  
For Pass-Thru reads, the S5335 indicates to the Add-  
On interface that a Pass-Thru read is taking place and  
waits for Add-On logic to write the Pass-Thru Data  
Register and complete the transfer (assert PTRDY#).  
The S5335 completes the cycle when data is written  
into the data register. If the Add-On cannot complete  
the write quickly enough, the S5335 requests a retry  
from the initiator. See target-requested disconnect  
The S5335 also requests a retry if an initiator attempts  
to burst past the end of a Pass-Thru region. The  
S5335 updates the Pass-Thru Address Register  
(APTA) for each data phase during bursts, and if the  
updated address is not within the current Pass-Thru  
region, a retry is requested.  
PCI Pass-Thru Burst Accesses  
For PCI Pass-Thru burst accesses, the S5335 cap-  
tures the PCI address and determines if it falls into one  
of the defined Pass-Thru regions. Accesses that fall  
into a Pass-Thru region are accepted by asserting  
DEVSEL#. The S5335 monitors FRAME# and IRDY#  
on the PCI bus to identify burst accesses. If the PCI  
initiator is performing a burst access, the Pass-Thru  
status indicators notify Add-On logic.  
For example, a PCI system may map a 512 byte Pass-  
Thru memory region to 0DC000h to 0DC1FFh. A PCI  
initiator attempts a four DWORD burst with a starting  
address of 0DC1F8h. The first and second data  
phases complete (filling the DWORDs at 0DC1F8h  
and 0DC1FCh), but the third data phase causes the  
S5335 to request a retry. This forces the initiator to  
present the address 0DC200h on the PCI bus. If this  
address is part of another S5335 Pass-Thru region,  
the device accepts the access.  
For Pass-Thru burst writes, the S5335 responds  
immediately (asserting TRDY#). The S5335 transfers  
the first data phase of the burst into the Pass-Thru  
Data Register (APTD), and stores the PCI address in  
the Pass-Thru Address Register (APTA). The Add-On  
interface completes the transfer and asserts PTRDY#.  
Every time PTRDY# is asserted by the Add-On, the  
S5335 begins the next data phase. The next data  
phase is latched into the data register. For burst  
accesses, APTA is automatically incremented by the  
S5335 for each data phase.  
PCI Write Retries  
When the S5335 requests a retry for a PCI Pass-Thru  
write, it indicates that the Add-On is still completing a  
previous Pass-Thru write access. The Pass-Thru  
Address and Data Register contents (APTA and  
APTD) are still required for the previous Pass-Thru  
operation and cannot be updated by the PCI interface  
until the access completes (the Add-On asserts  
For Pass-Thru burst reads, the S5335 claims the PCI  
cycle (asserting DEVSEL#). The request for data is  
passed on to Add-On logic and the PCI address is  
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