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S5335QF 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: S5335QF
PDF下载: 下载PDF文件 查看货源
内容描述: PCI总线控制器, 3.3V [PCI Bus Controller, 3.3V]
分类和应用: 总线控制器PC
文件页数/大小: 189 页 / 2175 K
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Revision 5.01 – November 30, 2005  
S5335 – PCI Bus Controller, 3.3V  
Data Sheet  
The FRC# and FWC# inputs allow Add-On logic to  
reset the PCI to Add-On or Add-On to PCI FIFO flags.  
The FIFO flags can always be reset with software  
through the Add-On General Control/Status Register  
(AGCSTS) or the Bus Master Control/Status Register  
(MCSR), but these hardware inputs are useful for  
designs which do no implement a CPU on the Add-On  
card. Asserting the FRC# input resets the PCI to Add-  
On FIFO. Asserting the FWC# input re-sets the Add-  
On to PCI FIFO.  
The interrupt is posted to the Add-On interface with  
the IRQ# output. A high-to-low transition on this output  
indicates an interrupt condition. Because there is a  
single interrupt output and multiple interrupt condi-  
tions, the Add-On Interrupt Control/Status Register  
(AINT) must be read to determine the interrupt source.  
This register is also used to clear the interrupt, return-  
ing IRQ# to its high state. If mailbox interrupts are also  
used, this must be considered in the interrupt service  
The AMREN and AMWEN inputs allow Add-On logic  
to individually enable and disable bus mastering for  
the PCI to Add-On and Add-On to PCI FIFO. These  
inputs override the Bus Master Control/Status Register  
(MCSR) bus master enable bits. The S5335 may re-  
quest the PCI bus for the PCI to Add-On FIFO when  
AMREN is asserted and may request the PCI bus for  
the Add-On to PCI FIFO when AMWEN is asserted. If  
AMREN or AMWEN is deasserted, the S5335  
removes its PCI bus request and gives up control of  
the bus.  
8-Bit and 16-Bit FIFO Add-On Interfaces  
The S5335 FIFO may also be used to transfer data  
between the PCI bus and 8-bit or 16-bit Add-On inter-  
faces. This can be done using FIFO advance  
conditions or the S5335 MODE input pin.  
The FIFO may be used as an 8-bit or 16-bit wide  
FIFO. To use the FIFO as an 8-bit interface, the  
advance condition should be set for byte 0 (no data is  
transferred in the upper 3 bytes). To use the FIFO as a  
16-bit interface, the advance condition should be set  
for byte 1 (no data is transferred in the upper 2 bytes).  
This allows a simple Add-On bus interface, but it has  
the disadvantage of not efficiently utilizing the PCI bus  
bandwidth because the host is forced to perform 8-bit  
or 16-bit accesses to the FIFO on the PCI bus. This is  
the only way to communicate with an 8-bit Add-On  
through the FIFO without additional logic to steer byte  
lanes on the Add-On data bus. Pass-Thru mode is  
more suited to 8-bit Add-On interfaces.  
AMREN and AMWEN are useful for Add-Ons with  
external FIFOs cascaded into the S5335. For PCI bus  
master write operations, the entire S5335 Add-On to  
PCI FIFO and the external FIFO may be filled before  
enabling bus mastering, providing a single long burst  
write rather than numerous short bursts.  
In some applications, the amount of data to be trans-  
ferred is not known. During read operations, the  
S5335, attempting to fill its PCI to Add-On FIFO, may  
access up to eight memory locations beyond what is  
required by the Add-On before it stops. In this situa-  
tion, AMREN can be deasserted to disable PCI reads,  
and then FRC# can be asserted to flush the unwanted  
data from the FIFO.  
Implementing a 16-bit wide FIFO is a reasonable solu-  
tion, but to avoid wasting PCI bus bandwidth, the best  
method is to allow the PCI bus and the FIFO to oper-  
ate with 32-bit data. The S5335 can assemble or  
disassemble 32-bit quantities for the Add-On interface.  
This is possible through the MODE pin. When MODE  
is low, the Add-On data bus is 32-bits. When MODE is  
high, the Add-On data bus is 16-bits. When MODE is  
configured for 16-bit operation, BE3# becomes ADR1.  
FIFO Generated Add-On Interrupts  
For Add-On initiated bus mastering, the S5335 may be  
configured to generate interrupts to the Add-On inter-  
face for the following situations:  
With the FIFO direct access signals (RDFIFO# and  
WRFIFO#), the MODE pin must reflect the actual Add-  
On data bus width. With MODE = 16-bits, the S5335  
automatically takes two consecutive, 16-bit Add-On  
writes to the FIFO and assembles a 32-bit value. FIFO  
reads operate in the same manner. Two consecutive  
Add-On reads empty the 32-bit FIFO register. The 16-  
bit data bus is internally steered to the lower and upper  
words of the 32-bit FIFO register.  
- Read transfer count reaches zero  
- Write transfer count reaches zero  
- An error occurred during the bus master  
AMCC Confidential and Proprietary  
DS1657 135  