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S5335QF 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: S5335QF
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内容描述: PCI总线控制器, 3.3V [PCI Bus Controller, 3.3V]
分类和应用: 总线控制器PC
文件页数/大小: 189 页 / 2175 K
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Revision 5.01 – November 30, 2005  
S5335 – PCI Bus Controller, 3.3V  
Data Sheet  
FIFO PCI Bus Master Reads  
Add-On FIFO Register Accesses  
For PCI read transfers (filling the PCI to Add-On  
FIFO), read cycles are performed until one of the fol-  
lowing occurs:  
The FIFO may be accessed from the Add-On interface  
through the Add-On FIFO Port Register (AFIFO) read  
or write. This is offset 20h in the Add-On Operation  
Registers. This register is accessed synchronous to  
BPCLK. To access the FIFO as a normal Add-On  
Operation Register, ADR[6:2], BE[3:0]#, SELECT#,  
and RD# or WR# are required.  
- Bus Master Read Transfer Count Register  
(MRTC), if used, reaches zero  
- The PCI to Add-On FIFO is full  
- GNT# is removed by the PCI bus arbiter  
- AMREN is deasserted  
Figure 81 shows a synchronous FIFO register burst  
access. SELECT# must meet setup and hold times  
relative to the rising edge of BPCLK. RD# and  
SELECT# both asserted enables the DQ outputs, and  
the first data location (data 0) in the FIFO is driven on  
to the bus. The FIFO address and the byte enables  
must be valid before valid data is driven onto the DQ  
bus. Data 0 remains valid until the next rising edge of  
BPCLK. The rising edge of BPCLK causes the FIFO  
pointer to advance to the next location (data 1). The  
next rising edge of BPCLK also advances the FIFO  
pointer to the next location (data 2). The status outputs  
reflect the FIFO condition after it advances, and are  
updated off of the rising edge of BPCLK. When RD# or  
SELECT# is deasserted, the DQ bus floats. The next  
time a valid FIFO access occurs and RD# and  
SELECT# are asserted, data 2 is presented on the DQ  
bus (as there was no BPCLK edge to advance the  
If the transfer count is not zero, GNT# remains  
asserted, and AMREN is asserted, the FIFO continues  
to read data from the PCI bus until there are no empty  
locations in the PCI to Add-On FIFO. If the Add-On  
can empty the FIFO as quickly as it can be filled from  
the PCI bus, very long bursts are possible. The S5335  
deasserts REQ# when it completes the access to fill  
the last location in the FIFO. Once REQ# is deas-  
serted, it will not be reasserted until the FIFO  
management condition is met.  
FIFO PCI Bus Master Writes  
For PCI write transfers (emptying the Add-On to PCI  
FIFO), write cycles are performed until one of the fol-  
lowing occurs:  
- Bus Master Write Transfer Count Register  
(MWTC), if used, reaches zero  
- The Add-On to PCI FIFO is empty  
- GNT# is removed by the PCI bus arbiter  
- AMWEN is deasserted  
Add-On FIFO Direct Access Mode  
Instead of generating an address, byte enables,  
SELECT# and a RD# or WR# strobe for every FIFO  
access, the S5335 allows a simple, direct access  
mode. Using RDFIFO# and WRFIFO# is functionally  
identical to performing a standard AFIFO Port Register  
access, but requires less logic to implement. Accesses  
to the FIFO register using the direct access signals are  
always 32-bits wide. The only exception to this is when  
the MODE pin is configured for 16-bit operation. In this  
situation, all accesses are 16-bits wide. The RD# and  
WR# inputs must be inactive when RDFIFO# or  
WRFIFO# is active. The ADR[6:2] and BE[3:0]# inputs  
are ignored. RDFIFO# and WRFIFO# act as enables  
with BPCLK acting as the clock. A Synchronous inter-  
face allows higher data rates.  
If the transfer count is not zero, GNT# remains  
asserted, and AMWEN is asserted, The FIFO contin-  
ues to write data to the PCI bus until there are is no  
data in the Add-On to PCI FIFO. If the Add-On can fill  
the FIFO as quickly as it can be emptied to the PCI  
bus, very long bursts are possible. The S5335 deas-  
serts REQ# when it completes the access to transfer  
the last data in the FIFO. Once REQ# is deasserted, it  
will not be reasserted until the FIFO management con-  
dition is met.  
Add-On Bus Interface  
The FIFO register may be accessed in two ways from  
the Add-On interface. It can be accessed through nor-  
mal register accesses or directly with the RDFIFO#  
and WRFIFO# inputs. In addition, the FIFO register  
can also be accessed synchronous to BPCLK. The  
Add-On interface also supports datapaths which are  
not 32-bits. The method used to access the FIFO from  
the Add-On interface is independent of whether the  
FIFO is a PCI target or a PCI initiator.  
Figure 82 shows a synchronous FIFO register direct  
burst access using RDFIFO#. RDFIFO# acts as an  
enable and the first data location (data 0) in the FIFO  
is driven on to the bus when RDFIFO# is asserted.  
Data 0 remains valid until the next rising edge of  
BPCLK. The rising edge of BPCLK causes the FIFO  
pointer to advance to the next location (data 1). The  
next rising edge of BPCLK advances the FIFO pointer  
to the next location (data 2). The status outputs reflect  
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