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EP2S90F1020C4N 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: EP2S90F1020C4N
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内容描述: Stratix II系列提供了以下功能 [The Stratix II family offers the following features]
分类和应用: 现场可编程门阵列可编程逻辑LTE时钟
文件页数/大小: 238 页 / 2897 K
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Adaptive Logic Modules  
arithmetic chain runs vertically allowing fast horizontal connections to  
TriMatrix memory and DSP blocks. A shared arithmetic chain can  
continue as far as a full column.  
Similar to the carry chains, the shared arithmetic chains are also top- or  
bottom-half bypassable. This capability allows the shared arithmetic  
chain to cascade through half of the ALMs in a LAB while leaving the  
other half available for narrower fan-in functionality. Every other LAB  
column is top-half bypassable, while the other LAB columns are bottom-  
half bypassable.  
See the “MultiTrack Interconnect” on page 2–22 section for more  
information on shared arithmetic chain interconnect.  
Register Chain  
In addition to the general routing outputs, the ALMs in an LAB have  
register chain outputs. The register chain routing allows registers in the  
same LAB to be cascaded together. The register chain interconnect allows  
an LAB to use LUTs for a single combinational function and the registers  
to be used for an unrelated shift register implementation. These resources  
speed up connections between ALMs while saving local interconnect  
resources (see Figure 2–15). The Quartus II Compiler automatically takes  
advantage of these resources to improve utilization and performance.  
Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1  
Altera Corporation  
May 2007  